
Because structlog is entirely based on dictionaries and callables, the sky is the limit with what you can achieve. That can be daunting in the beginning, so here are a few examples of tasks that have come up repeatedly.

Please note that recipes related to integration with frameworks have an own chapter.

Renaming the event key

The name of the event is hard-coded in structlog to event. But that doesn’t mean it has to be called that in your logs.

With the structlog.processors.EventRenamer processor, you can, for instance, rename the log message to msg and use event for something custom, that you bind to _event in your code:

>>> from structlog.processors import EventRenamer
>>> event_dict = {"event": "something happened", "_event": "our event!"}
>>> EventRenamer("msg", "_event")(None, "", event_dict)
{'msg': 'something happened', 'event': 'our event!'}

Fine-grained log-level filtering

structlog’s native log levels as provided by structlog.make_filtering_bound_logger() only know one log level – the one that is passed to make_filtering_bound_logger(). Sometimes, that can be a bit too coarse, though.

You can achieve finer control by adding the CallsiteParameterAdder processor and writing a simple processor that acts on the call site data added.

Let’s assume you have the following code:

logger = structlog.get_logger()

def f():"f called")

def g():"g called")


And you don’t want to see log entries from function f. You add CallsiteParameterAdder to the processor chain and then look at the func_name field in the event dict:

def filter_f(_, __, event_dict):
    if event_dict.get("func_name") == "f":
        raise structlog.DropEvent

    return event_dict

        filter_f,  # <-- your processor!

Running this gives you:

event='g called' func_name='g'

CallsiteParameterAdder is very powerful in what info it can add, so your possibilities are limitless. Pick the data you’re interested in from the structlog.processors.CallsiteParameter Enum.

Custom wrappers

The type of the bound loggers that are returned by structlog.get_logger() is called the wrapper class, because it wraps the original logger that takes care of the output. This wrapper class is configurable.

Originally, structlog used a generic wrapper class structlog.BoundLogger by default. That class still ships with structlog and can wrap any logger class by intercepting unknown method names and proxying them to the wrapped logger.

Nowadays, the default is a structlog.typing.FilteringBoundLogger that imitates standard library’s log levels with the possibility of efficiently filtering at a certain level (inactive log methods are a plain return None each).

If you’re integrating with logging or Twisted, you may want to use one of their specific bound loggers (structlog.stdlib.BoundLogger and structlog.twisted.BoundLogger, respectively).

On top of that all, you can also write your own wrapper classes. To make it easy for you, structlog comes with the class structlog.BoundLoggerBase which takes care of all data binding duties so you just add your log methods if you choose to sub-class it.


It’s easiest to demonstrate with an example:

>>> from structlog import BoundLoggerBase, PrintLogger, wrap_logger
>>> class SemanticLogger(BoundLoggerBase):
...    def info(self, event, **kw):
...        if not "status" in kw:
...            return self._proxy_to_logger("info", event, status="ok", **kw)
...        else:
...            return self._proxy_to_logger("info", event, **kw)
...    def user_error(self, event, **kw):
..., status="user_error", **kw)
>>> log = wrap_logger(PrintLogger(), wrapper_class=SemanticLogger)
>>> log = log.bind(user="fprefect")
>>> log.user_error("user.forgot_towel")
user='fprefect' status='user_error' event='user.forgot_towel'

You can observe the following:

These two methods and one attribute are all you need to write own bound loggers.

Passing context to worker threads

Thread-local context data based on context variables is – as the name says – local to the thread that binds it. When using threads to process work in parallel, you have to pass the thread-local context into the worker threads. One way is to retrieve the context vars and pass them along to the worker threads. Then, Inside of the worker, re-bind them using bind_contextvars.

The following example uses pathos to create a ThreadPool. The context variables are retrieved and passed as the first argument to the partial function. The pool invokes the partial function, once for each element of workers. Inside of do_some_work, the context vars are bound and a message about the great work being performed is logged – including the request_id key / value pair.

from functools import partial

import structlog

from structlog.contextvars import bind_contextvars
from pathos.threading import ThreadPool

logger = structlog.get_logger(__name__)

def do_some_work(ctx, this_worker):
    bind_contextvars(**ctx)"WorkerDidSomeWork", worker=this_worker)

def structlog_with_threadpool(f):
    ctx = structlog.contextvars.get_contextvars()
    func = partial(f, ctx)
    workers = ["1", "2", "3"]

    with ThreadPool() as pool:
        return list(, workers))

def manager(request_id: str):

See the issue 425 for a more complete example.

Switching console output to standard error

When using structlog without standard library integration and want the log output to go to standard error (stderr) instead of standard out (stdout), you can switch with a single line of configuration:
