API Reference


The examples here use a very simplified configuration using the minimalistic structlog.processors.KeyValueRenderer for brevity and to enable doctests. The output is going to be different (nicer!) with default configuration.

structlog Package

structlog.get_logger(*args, **initial_values)[source]

Convenience function that returns a logger according to configuration.

>>> from structlog import get_logger
>>> log = get_logger(y=23)
>>> log.msg("hello", x=42)
y=23 x=42 event='hello'
  • argsOptional positional arguments that are passed unmodified to the logger factory. Therefore it depends on the factory what they mean.
  • initial_values – Values that are used to pre-populate your contexts.
Return type:

A proxy that creates a correctly configured bound logger when necessary.

See Configuration for details.

If you prefer CamelCase, there’s an alias for your reading pleasure: structlog.getLogger().

New in version 0.4.0: args

structlog.getLogger(*args, **initial_values)

CamelCase alias for structlog.get_logger().

This function is supposed to be in every source file – we don’t want it to stick out like a sore thumb in frameworks like Twisted or Zope.

structlog.wrap_logger(logger, processors=None, wrapper_class=None, context_class=None, cache_logger_on_first_use=None, logger_factory_args=None, **initial_values)[source]

Create a new bound logger for an arbitrary logger.

Default values for processors, wrapper_class, and context_class can be set using configure().

If you set an attribute here, configure() calls have no effect for the respective attribute.

In other words: selective overwriting of the defaults while keeping some is possible.

  • initial_values – Values that are used to pre-populate your contexts.
  • logger_factory_args (tuple) – Values that are passed unmodified as *logger_factory_args to the logger factory if not None.
Return type:

A proxy that creates a correctly configured bound logger when necessary.

See configure() for the meaning of the rest of the arguments.

New in version 0.4.0: logger_factory_args

structlog.configure(processors=None, wrapper_class=None, context_class=None, logger_factory=None, cache_logger_on_first_use=None)[source]

Configures the global defaults.

They are used if wrap_logger() has been called without arguments.

Can be called several times, keeping an argument at None leaves is unchanged from the current setting.

After calling for the first time, is_configured() starts returning True.

Use reset_defaults() to undo your changes.

  • processors (list) – List of processors.
  • wrapper_class (type) – Class to use for wrapping loggers instead of structlog.BoundLogger. See Standard Library Logging, Twisted, and Custom Wrappers.
  • context_class (type) – Class to be used for internal context keeping.
  • logger_factory (callable) – Factory to be called to create a new logger that shall be wrapped.
  • cache_logger_on_first_use (bool) – wrap_logger doesn’t return an actual wrapped logger but a proxy that assembles one when it’s first used. If this option is set to True, this assembled logger is cached. See Performance.

New in version 0.3.0: cache_logger_on_first_use

structlog.configure_once(*args, **kw)[source]

Configures iff structlog isn’t configured yet.

It does not matter whether is was configured using configure() or configure_once() before.

Raises a RuntimeWarning if repeated configuration is attempted.


Resets global default values to builtin defaults.

is_configured() starts returning False afterwards.


Return whether structlog has been configured.

If False, structlog is running with builtin defaults.

Return type:bool

Get a dictionary with the current configuration.


Changes to the returned dictionary do not affect structlog.

Return type:dict
class structlog.BoundLogger(logger, processors, context)[source]

A generic BoundLogger that can wrap anything.

Every unknown method will be passed to the wrapped logger. If that’s too much magic for you, try structlog.stdlib.BoundLogger or structlog.twisted.BoundLogger which also take advantage of knowing the wrapped class which generally results in better performance.

Not intended to be instantiated by yourself. See wrap_logger() and get_logger().


Return a new logger with new_values added to the existing ones.

Return type:self.__class__

Clear context and binds initial_values using bind().

Only necessary with dict implementations that keep global state like those wrapped by structlog.threadlocal.wrap_dict() when threads are re-used.

Return type:self.__class__

Return a new logger with keys removed from the context.

Raises:KeyError – If the key is not part of the context.
Return type:self.__class__
class structlog.PrintLogger(file=None)[source]

Print events into a file.

Parameters:file (file) – File to print to. (default: stdout)
>>> from structlog import PrintLogger
>>> PrintLogger().msg("hello")

Useful if you follow current logging best practices.

Also very useful for testing and examples since logging is finicky in doctests.


Print message.


Print message.


Print message.


Print message.


Print message.


Print message.


Print message.


Print message.


Print message.

class structlog.PrintLoggerFactory(file=None)[source]

Produce PrintLoggers.

To be used with structlog.configure()’s logger_factory.

Parameters:file (file) – File to print to. (default: stdout)

Positional arguments are silently ignored.

New in version 0.4.0.

class structlog.ReturnLogger[source]

Return the arguments that it’s called with.

>>> from structlog import ReturnLogger
>>> ReturnLogger().msg("hello")
>>> ReturnLogger().msg("hello", when="again")
(('hello',), {'when': 'again'})

Useful for testing.

Changed in version 0.3.0: Allow for arbitrary arguments and keyword arguments to be passed in.

critical(*args, **kw)

Return tuple of args, kw or just args[0] if only one arg passed

debug(*args, **kw)

Return tuple of args, kw or just args[0] if only one arg passed

err(*args, **kw)

Return tuple of args, kw or just args[0] if only one arg passed

error(*args, **kw)

Return tuple of args, kw or just args[0] if only one arg passed

failure(*args, **kw)

Return tuple of args, kw or just args[0] if only one arg passed

info(*args, **kw)

Return tuple of args, kw or just args[0] if only one arg passed

log(*args, **kw)

Return tuple of args, kw or just args[0] if only one arg passed

msg(*args, **kw)[source]

Return tuple of args, kw or just args[0] if only one arg passed

warning(*args, **kw)

Return tuple of args, kw or just args[0] if only one arg passed

class structlog.ReturnLoggerFactory[source]

Produce and cache ReturnLoggers.

To be used with structlog.configure()’s logger_factory.

Positional arguments are silently ignored.

New in version 0.4.0.

exception structlog.DropEvent[source]

If raised by an processor, the event gets silently dropped.

Derives from BaseException because it’s technically not an error.

class structlog.BoundLoggerBase(logger, processors, context)[source]

Immutable context carrier.

Doesn’t do any actual logging; examples for useful subclasses are:

See also Custom Wrappers.

_logger = None

Wrapped logger.


Despite underscore available read-only to custom wrapper classes.

See also Custom Wrappers.

_process_event(method_name, event, event_kw)[source]

Combines creates an event_dict and runs the chain.

Call it to combine your event and context into an event_dict and process using the processor chain.

  • method_name (str) – The name of the logger method. Is passed into the processors.
  • event – The event – usually the first positional argument to a logger.
  • event_kw – Additional event keywords. For example if someone calls log.msg("foo", bar=42), event would to be "foo" and event_kw {"bar": 42}.

structlog.DropEvent if log entry should be dropped.


ValueError if the final processor doesn’t return a string, tuple, or a dict.

Return type:

tuple of (*args, **kw)


Despite underscore available to custom wrapper classes.

See also Custom Wrappers.

Changed in version 14.0.0: Allow final processor to return a dict.

_proxy_to_logger(method_name, event=None, **event_kw)[source]

Run processor chain on event & call method_name on wrapped logger.

DRY convenience method that runs _process_event(), takes care of handling structlog.DropEvent, and finally calls method_name on _logger with the result.

  • method_name (str) – The name of the method that’s going to get called. Technically it should be identical to the method the user called because it also get passed into processors.
  • event – The event – usually the first positional argument to a logger.
  • event_kw – Additional event keywords. For example if someone calls log.msg("foo", bar=42), event would to be "foo" and event_kw {"bar": 42}.


Despite underscore available to custom wrapper classes.

See also Custom Wrappers.


Return a new logger with new_values added to the existing ones.

Return type:self.__class__

Clear context and binds initial_values using bind().

Only necessary with dict implementations that keep global state like those wrapped by structlog.threadlocal.wrap_dict() when threads are re-used.

Return type:self.__class__

Return a new logger with keys removed from the context.

Raises:KeyError – If the key is not part of the context.
Return type:self.__class__

dev Module

Helpers that make development with structlog more pleasant.

class structlog.dev.ConsoleRenderer(pad_event=30, colors=True, force_colors=False, repr_native_str=False, level_styles=None)[source]

Render event_dict nicely aligned, possibly in colors, and ordered.

  • pad_event (int) – Pad the event to this many characters.
  • colors (bool) – Use colors for a nicer output.
  • force_colors (bool) – Force colors even for non-tty destinations. Use this option if your logs are stored in a file that is meant to be streamed to the console.
  • repr_native_str (bool) – When True, repr() is also applied to native strings (i.e. unicode on Python 3 and bytes on Python 2). Setting this to False is useful if you want to have human-readable non-ASCII output on Python 2. The event key is never repr() -ed.
  • level_styles (dict) – When present, use these styles for colors. This must be a dict from level names (strings) to colorama styles. The default can be obtained by calling ConsoleRenderer.get_default_level_styles()

Requires the colorama package if colors is True.

New in version 16.0.

New in version 16.1: colors

New in version 17.1: repr_native_str

New in version 18.1: force_colors

New in version 18.1: level_styles

static get_default_level_styles(colors=True)[source]

Get the default styles for log levels

This is intended to be used with ConsoleRenderer’s level_styles parameter. For example, if you are adding custom levels in your home-grown add_log_level() you could do:

my_styles = ConsoleRenderer.get_default_level_styles()
my_styles["EVERYTHING_IS_ON_FIRE"] = my_styles["critical"]
renderer = ConsoleRenderer(level_styles=my_styles)
Parameters:colors (bool) – Whether to use colorful styles. This must match the colors parameter to ConsoleRenderer. Default: True.

threadlocal Module

Primitives to keep context global but thread (and greenlet) local.


Wrap a dict-like class and return the resulting class.

The wrapped class and used to keep global in the current thread.

Parameters:dict_class (type) – Class used for keeping context.
Return type:type
structlog.threadlocal.tmp_bind(logger, **tmp_values)[source]

Bind tmp_values to logger & memorize current state. Rewind afterwards.

>>> from structlog import wrap_logger, PrintLogger
>>> from structlog.threadlocal import tmp_bind, wrap_dict
>>> logger = wrap_logger(PrintLogger(),  context_class=wrap_dict(dict))
>>> with tmp_bind(logger, x=5) as tmp_logger:
...     logger = logger.bind(y=3)
...     tmp_logger.msg("event")
x=5 y=3 event='event'
>>> logger.msg("event")

Extract the context from a thread local logger into an immutable logger.

Parameters:logger (structlog.BoundLogger) – A logger with possibly thread local state.
Return type:BoundLogger with an immutable context.

processors Module

Processors useful regardless of the logging framework.

class structlog.processors.JSONRenderer(serializer=<function dumps>, **dumps_kw)[source]

Render the event_dict using serializer(event_dict, **json_kw).

  • json_kw (dict) – Are passed unmodified to serializer. If default is passed, it will disable support for __structlog__-based serialization.
  • serializer (callable) – A json.dumps()-compatible callable that will be used to format the string. This can be used to use alternative JSON encoders like simplejson or RapidJSON (faster but Python 3-only) (default: json.dumps()).

New in version 0.2.0: Support for __structlog__ serialization method.

New in version 15.4.0: serializer parameter.

New in version 18.2.0: Serializer’s default parameter can be overwritten now.

>>> from structlog.processors import JSONRenderer
>>> JSONRenderer(sort_keys=True)(None, None, {"a": 42, "b": [1, 2, 3]})
'{"a": 42, "b": [1, 2, 3]}'

Bound objects are attempted to be serialize using a __structlog__ method. If none is defined, repr() is used:

>>> class C1(object):
...     def __structlog__(self):
...         return ["C1!"]
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return "__structlog__ took precedence"
>>> class C2(object):
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return "No __structlog__, so this is used."
>>> from structlog.processors import JSONRenderer
>>> JSONRenderer(sort_keys=True)(None, None, {"c1": C1(), "c2": C2()})
'{"c1": ["C1!"], "c2": "No __structlog__, so this is used."}'

Please note that additionally to strings, you can also return any type the standard library JSON module knows about – like in this example a list.

If you choose to pass a default parameter as part of json_kw, support for __structlog__ is disabled. This can be useful when used together with more elegant serialization methods like functools.singledispatch(): Better Python Object Serialization.

class structlog.processors.KeyValueRenderer(sort_keys=False, key_order=None, drop_missing=False, repr_native_str=True)[source]

Render event_dict as a list of Key=repr(Value) pairs.

  • sort_keys (bool) – Whether to sort keys when formatting.
  • key_order (list) – List of keys that should be rendered in this exact order. Missing keys will be rendered as None, extra keys depending on sort_keys and the dict class.
  • drop_missing (bool) – When True, extra keys in key_order will be dropped rather than rendered as None.
  • repr_native_str (bool) – When True, repr() is also applied to native strings (i.e. unicode on Python 3 and bytes on Python 2). Setting this to False is useful if you want to have human-readable non-ASCII output on Python 2.

New in version 0.2.0: key_order

New in version 16.1.0: drop_missing

New in version 17.1.0: repr_native_str

>>> from structlog.processors import KeyValueRenderer
>>> KeyValueRenderer(sort_keys=True)(None, None, {"a": 42, "b": [1, 2, 3]})
'a=42 b=[1, 2, 3]'
>>> KeyValueRenderer(key_order=["b", "a"])(None, None,
...                                       {"a": 42, "b": [1, 2, 3]})
'b=[1, 2, 3] a=42'
class structlog.processors.UnicodeDecoder(encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')[source]

Decode byte string values in event_dict.

  • encoding (str) – Encoding to decode from (default: "utf-8").
  • errors (str) – How to cope with encoding errors (default: "replace").

Useful if you’re running Python 3 as otherwise b"abc" will be rendered as 'b"abc"'.

Just put it in the processor chain before the renderer.

New in version 15.4.0.

class structlog.processors.UnicodeEncoder(encoding='utf-8', errors='backslashreplace')[source]

Encode unicode values in event_dict.

  • encoding (str) – Encoding to encode to (default: "utf-8").
  • errors (str) – How to cope with encoding errors (default "backslashreplace").

Useful if you’re running Python 2 as otherwise u"abc" will be rendered as 'u"abc"'.

Just put it in the processor chain before the renderer.

structlog.processors.format_exc_info(logger, name, event_dict)[source]

Replace an exc_info field by an exception string field:

If event_dict contains the key exc_info, there are two possible behaviors:

  • If the value is a tuple, render it into the key exception.
  • If the value is an Exception and you’re running Python 3, render it into the key exception.
  • If the value true but no tuple, obtain exc_info ourselves and render that.

If there is no exc_info key, the event_dict is not touched. This behavior is analogue to the one of the stdlib’s logging.

>>> from structlog.processors import format_exc_info
>>> try:
...     raise ValueError
... except ValueError:
...     format_exc_info(None, None, {"exc_info": True})  
{'exception': 'Traceback (most recent call last):...
class structlog.processors.StackInfoRenderer[source]

Add stack information with key stack if stack_info is true.

Useful when you want to attach a stack dump to a log entry without involving an exception.

It works analogously to the stack_info argument of the Python 3 standard library logging but works on both 2 and 3.

New in version 0.4.0.

class structlog.processors.ExceptionPrettyPrinter(file=None)[source]

Pretty print exceptions and remove them from the event_dict.

Parameters:file (file) – Target file for output (default: sys.stdout).

This processor is mostly for development and testing so you can read exceptions properly formatted.

It behaves like format_exc_info() except it removes the exception data from the event dictionary after printing it.

It’s tolerant to having format_exc_info in front of itself in the processor chain but doesn’t require it. In other words, it handles both exception as well as exc_info keys.

New in version 0.4.0.

Changed in version 16.0.0: Added support for passing exceptions as exc_info on Python 3.

class structlog.processors.TimeStamper(fmt=None, utc=True, key="timestamp")[source]

Add a timestamp to event_dict.


You should let OS tools take care of timestamping. See also Logging Best Practices.

  • fmt (str) – strftime format string, or "iso" for ISO 8601, or None for a UNIX timestamp.
  • utc (bool) – Whether timestamp should be in UTC or local time.
  • key (str) – Target key in event_dict for added timestamps.
>>> from structlog.processors import TimeStamper
>>> TimeStamper()(None, None, {})  
{'timestamp': 1378994017}
>>> TimeStamper(fmt="iso")(None, None, {})  
{'timestamp': '2013-09-12T13:54:26.996778Z'}
>>> TimeStamper(fmt="%Y", key="year")(None, None, {})  
{'year': '2013'}

stdlib Module

Processors and helpers specific to the logging module from the Python standard library.

See also structlog’s standard library support.

class structlog.stdlib.BoundLogger(logger, processors, context)[source]

Python Standard Library version of structlog.BoundLogger. Works exactly like the generic one except that it takes advantage of knowing the logging methods in advance.

Use it like:


Return a new logger with new_values added to the existing ones.

Return type:self.__class__
critical(event=None, *args, **kw)[source]

Process event and call logging.Logger.critical() with the result.

debug(event=None, *args, **kw)[source]

Process event and call logging.Logger.debug() with the result.

error(event=None, *args, **kw)[source]

Process event and call logging.Logger.error() with the result.

exception(event=None, *args, **kw)[source]

Process event and call logging.Logger.error() with the result, after setting exc_info to True.

info(event=None, *args, **kw)[source]

Process event and call logging.Logger.info() with the result.

log(level, event, *args, **kw)[source]

Process event and call the appropriate logging method depending on level.


Clear context and binds initial_values using bind().

Only necessary with dict implementations that keep global state like those wrapped by structlog.threadlocal.wrap_dict() when threads are re-used.

Return type:self.__class__

Return a new logger with keys removed from the context.

Raises:KeyError – If the key is not part of the context.
Return type:self.__class__
warn(event=None, *args, **kw)

Process event and call logging.Logger.warning() with the result.

warning(event=None, *args, **kw)[source]

Process event and call logging.Logger.warning() with the result.

class structlog.stdlib.LoggerFactory(ignore_frame_names=None)[source]

Build a standard library logger when an instance is called.

Sets a custom logger using logging.setLoggerClass() so variables in log format are expanded properly.

>>> from structlog import configure
>>> from structlog.stdlib import LoggerFactory
>>> configure(logger_factory=LoggerFactory())
Parameters:ignore_frame_names (list of str) – When guessing the name of a logger, skip frames whose names start with one of these. For example, in pyramid applications you’ll want to set it to ["venusian", "pyramid.config"].

Deduce the caller’s module name and create a stdlib logger.

If an optional argument is passed, it will be used as the logger name instead of guesswork. This optional argument would be passed from the structlog.get_logger() call. For example structlog.get_logger("foo") would cause this method to be called with "foo" as its first positional argument.

Return type:logging.Logger

Changed in version 0.4.0: Added support for optional positional arguments. Using the first one for naming the constructed logger.

structlog.stdlib.render_to_log_kwargs(wrapped_logger, method_name, event_dict)[source]

Render event_dict into keyword arguments for logging.log().

The event field is translated into msg and the rest of the event_dict is added as extra.

This allows you to defer formatting to logging.

New in version 17.1.0.

structlog.stdlib.filter_by_level(logger, name, event_dict)[source]

Check whether logging is configured to accept messages from this log level.

Should be the first processor if stdlib’s filtering by level is used so possibly expensive processors like exception formatters are avoided in the first place.

>>> import logging
>>> from structlog.stdlib import filter_by_level
>>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN)
>>> logger = logging.getLogger()
>>> filter_by_level(logger, 'warn', {})
>>> filter_by_level(logger, 'debug', {})
Traceback (most recent call last):
structlog.stdlib.add_log_level(logger, method_name, event_dict)[source]

Add the log level to the event dict.

structlog.stdlib.add_log_level_number(logger, method_name, event_dict)[source]

Add the log level number to the event dict.

Log level numbers map to the log level names. The Python stdlib uses them for filtering logic. This adds the same numbers so users can leverage similar filtering. Compare:

level in ("warning", "error", "critical")
level_number >= 30

The mapping of names to numbers is in _NAME_TO_LEVEL.

New in version 18.2.0.

structlog.stdlib.add_logger_name(logger, method_name, event_dict)[source]

Add the logger name to the event dict.

class structlog.stdlib.PositionalArgumentsFormatter(remove_positional_args=True)[source]

Apply stdlib-like string formatting to the event key.

If the positional_args key in the event dict is set, it must contain a tuple that is used for formatting (using the %s string formatting operator) of the value from the event key. This works in the same way as the stdlib handles arguments to the various log methods: if the tuple contains only a single dict argument it is used for keyword placeholders in the event string, otherwise it will be used for positional placeholders.

positional_args is populated by structlog.stdlib.BoundLogger or can be set manually.

The remove_positional_args flag can be set to False to keep the positional_args key in the event dict; by default it will be removed from the event dict after formatting a message.

class structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter(processor, foreign_pre_chain=None, keep_exc_info=False, keep_stack_info=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Call structlog processors on logging.LogRecords.

This logging.Formatter allows to configure logging to call processor on structlog-borne log entries (origin is determined solely on the fact whether the msg field on the logging.LogRecord is a dict or not).

This allows for two interesting use cases:

  1. You can format non-structlog log entries.
  2. You can multiplex log records into multiple logging.Handlers.

Please refer to Standard Library Logging for examples.

  • processor (callable) – A structlog processor.
  • foreign_pre_chain – If not None, it is used as an iterable of processors that is applied to non-structlog log entries before processor. If None, formatting is left to logging. (default: None)
  • keep_exc_info (bool) – exc_info on logging.LogRecords is added to the event_dict and removed afterwards. Set this to True to keep it on the logging.LogRecord. (default: False)
  • keep_stack_info (bool) – Same as keep_exc_info except for Python 3’s stack_info.
Return type:


New in version 17.1.0.

New in version 17.2.0: keep_exc_info and keep_stack_info

static wrap_for_formatter(logger, name, event_dict)[source]

Wrap logger, name, and event_dict.

The result is later unpacked by ProcessorFormatter when formatting log entries.

Use this static method as the renderer (i.e. final processor) if you want to use ProcessorFormatter in your logging configuration.

twisted Module

Processors and tools specific to the Twisted networking engine.

See also structlog’s Twisted support.

class structlog.twisted.BoundLogger(logger, processors, context)[source]

Twisted-specific version of structlog.BoundLogger.

Works exactly like the generic one except that it takes advantage of knowing the logging methods in advance.

Use it like:


Return a new logger with new_values added to the existing ones.

Return type:self.__class__
err(event=None, **kw)[source]

Process event and call log.err() with the result.

msg(event=None, **kw)[source]

Process event and call log.msg() with the result.


Clear context and binds initial_values using bind().

Only necessary with dict implementations that keep global state like those wrapped by structlog.threadlocal.wrap_dict() when threads are re-used.

Return type:self.__class__

Return a new logger with keys removed from the context.

Raises:KeyError – If the key is not part of the context.
Return type:self.__class__
class structlog.twisted.LoggerFactory[source]

Build a Twisted logger when an instance is called.

>>> from structlog import configure
>>> from structlog.twisted import LoggerFactory
>>> configure(logger_factory=LoggerFactory())

Positional arguments are silently ignored.

Rvalue:A new Twisted logger.

Changed in version 0.4.0: Added support for optional positional arguments.

class structlog.twisted.EventAdapter(dictRenderer=None)[source]

Adapt an event_dict to Twisted logging system.

Particularly, make a wrapped twisted.python.log.err behave as expected.

Parameters:dictRenderer (callable) – Renderer that is used for the actual log message. Please note that structlog comes with a dedicated JSONRenderer.

Must be the last processor in the chain and requires a dictRenderer for the actual formatting as an constructor argument in order to be able to fully support the original behaviors of log.msg() and log.err().

class structlog.twisted.JSONRenderer(serializer=<function dumps>, **dumps_kw)[source]

Behaves like structlog.processors.JSONRenderer except that it formats tracebacks and failures itself if called with err().


This ultimately means that the messages get logged out using msg(), and not err() which renders failures in separate lines.

Therefore it will break your tests that contain assertions using flushLoggedErrors.

Not an adapter like EventAdapter but a real formatter. Nor does it require to be adapted using it.

Use together with a JSONLogObserverWrapper-wrapped Twisted logger like plainJSONStdOutLogger() for pure-JSON logs.


Return a logger that writes only the message to stdout.

Transforms non-JSONRenderer messages to JSON.

Ideal for JSONifying log entries from Twisted plugins and libraries that are outside of your control:

$ twistd -n --logger structlog.twisted.plainJSONStdOutLogger web
{"event": "Log opened.", "system": "-"}
{"event": "twistd 13.1.0 (python 2.7.3) starting up.", "system": "-"}
{"event": "reactor class: twisted...EPollReactor.", "system": "-"}
{"event": "Site starting on 8080", "system": "-"}
{"event": "Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site ...>", ...}

Composes PlainFileLogObserver and JSONLogObserverWrapper to a usable logger.

New in version 0.2.0.


Wrap a log observer and render non-JSONRenderer entries to JSON.

Parameters:observer (ILogObserver) – Twisted log observer to wrap. For example PlainFileObserver or Twisted’s stock FileLogObserver

New in version 0.2.0.

class structlog.twisted.PlainFileLogObserver(file)[source]

Write only the the plain message without timestamps or anything else.

Great to just print JSON to stdout where you catch it with something like runit.

Parameters:file (file) – File to print to.

New in version 0.2.0.