Source code for structlog._base

# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
# 2.0, and the MIT License.  See the LICENSE file in the root of this
# repository for complete details.

Logger wrapper and helper class.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from six import string_types

from structlog.exceptions import DropEvent

[docs]class BoundLoggerBase(object): """ Immutable context carrier. Doesn't do any actual logging; examples for useful subclasses are: - the generic :class:`BoundLogger` that can wrap anything, - :class:`structlog.twisted.BoundLogger`, - and :class:`structlog.stdlib.BoundLogger`. See also :doc:`custom-wrappers`. """ _logger = None """ Wrapped logger. .. note:: Despite underscore available **read-only** to custom wrapper classes. See also :doc:`custom-wrappers`. """ def __init__(self, logger, processors, context): self._logger = logger self._processors = processors self._context = context def __repr__(self): return "<{0}(context={1!r}, processors={2!r})>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._context, self._processors ) def __eq__(self, other): try: if self._context == other._context: return True else: return False except AttributeError: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def bind(self, **new_values): """ Return a new logger with *new_values* added to the existing ones. :rtype: `self.__class__` """ return self.__class__( self._logger, self._processors, self._context.__class__(self._context, **new_values), )
[docs] def unbind(self, *keys): """ Return a new logger with *keys* removed from the context. :raises KeyError: If the key is not part of the context. :rtype: `self.__class__` """ bl = self.bind() for key in keys: del bl._context[key] return bl
def try_unbind(self, *keys): """ Like :meth:`unbind`, but best effort: missing keys are ignored. :rtype: `self.__class__` .. versionadded:: 18.2.0 """ bl = self.bind() for key in keys: try: del bl._context[key] except KeyError: pass return bl
[docs] def new(self, **new_values): """ Clear context and binds *initial_values* using :func:`bind`. Only necessary with dict implementations that keep global state like those wrapped by :func:`structlog.threadlocal.wrap_dict` when threads are re-used. :rtype: `self.__class__` """ self._context.clear() return self.bind(**new_values)
# Helper methods for sub-classing concrete BoundLoggers.
[docs] def _process_event(self, method_name, event, event_kw): """ Combines creates an `event_dict` and runs the chain. Call it to combine your *event* and *context* into an event_dict and process using the processor chain. :param str method_name: The name of the logger method. Is passed into the processors. :param event: The event -- usually the first positional argument to a logger. :param event_kw: Additional event keywords. For example if someone calls ``log.msg("foo", bar=42)``, *event* would to be ``"foo"`` and *event_kw* ``{"bar": 42}``. :raises: :class:`structlog.DropEvent` if log entry should be dropped. :raises: :class:`ValueError` if the final processor doesn't return a string, tuple, or a dict. :rtype: `tuple` of `(*args, **kw)` .. note:: Despite underscore available to custom wrapper classes. See also :doc:`custom-wrappers`. .. versionchanged:: 14.0.0 Allow final processor to return a `dict`. """ event_dict = self._context.copy() event_dict.update(**event_kw) if event is not None: event_dict["event"] = event for proc in self._processors: event_dict = proc(self._logger, method_name, event_dict) if isinstance(event_dict, string_types): return (event_dict,), {} elif isinstance(event_dict, tuple): # In this case we assume that the last processor returned a tuple # of ``(args, kwargs)`` and pass it right through. return event_dict elif isinstance(event_dict, dict): return (), event_dict else: raise ValueError( "Last processor didn't return an approriate value. Allowed " "return values are a dict, a tuple of (args, kwargs), or a " "string." )
[docs] def _proxy_to_logger(self, method_name, event=None, **event_kw): """ Run processor chain on event & call *method_name* on wrapped logger. DRY convenience method that runs :func:`_process_event`, takes care of handling :exc:`structlog.DropEvent`, and finally calls *method_name* on :attr:`_logger` with the result. :param str method_name: The name of the method that's going to get called. Technically it should be identical to the method the user called because it also get passed into processors. :param event: The event -- usually the first positional argument to a logger. :param event_kw: Additional event keywords. For example if someone calls ``log.msg("foo", bar=42)``, *event* would to be ``"foo"`` and *event_kw* ``{"bar": 42}``. .. note:: Despite underscore available to custom wrapper classes. See also :doc:`custom-wrappers`. """ try: args, kw = self._process_event(method_name, event, event_kw) return getattr(self._logger, method_name)(*args, **kw) except DropEvent: return