Source code for structlog.tracebacks

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# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
# 2.0, and the MIT License.  See the LICENSE file in the root of this
# repository for complete details.

Extract a structured traceback from an exception.

Contributed by Will McGugan (see from Rich:

from __future__ import annotations

import os

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from traceback import walk_tb
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Tuple, Union

from .typing import ExcInfo

__all__ = [


OptExcInfo = Union[ExcInfo, Tuple[None, None, None]]

[docs]@dataclass class Frame: """ Represents a single stack frame. """ filename: str lineno: int name: str line: str = "" locals: dict[str, str] | None = None
[docs]@dataclass class SyntaxError_: """ Contains detailed information about :exc:`SyntaxError` exceptions. """ offset: int filename: str line: str lineno: int msg: str
[docs]@dataclass class Stack: """ Represents an exception and a list of stack frames. """ exc_type: str exc_value: str syntax_error: SyntaxError_ | None = None is_cause: bool = False frames: list[Frame] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs]@dataclass class Trace: """ Container for a list of stack traces. """ stacks: list[Stack]
def safe_str(_object: Any) -> str: """Don't allow exceptions from __str__ to propegate.""" try: return str(_object) except Exception as error: return f"<str-error {str(error)!r}>" def to_repr(obj: Any, max_string: int | None = None) -> str: """Get repr string for an object, but catch errors.""" if isinstance(obj, str): obj_repr = obj else: try: obj_repr = repr(obj) except Exception as error: obj_repr = f"<repr-error {str(error)!r}>" if max_string is not None and len(obj_repr) > max_string: truncated = len(obj_repr) - max_string obj_repr = f"{obj_repr[:max_string]!r}+{truncated}" return obj_repr
[docs]def extract( exc_type: type[BaseException], exc_value: BaseException, traceback: TracebackType | None, *, show_locals: bool = False, locals_max_string: int = LOCALS_MAX_STRING, ) -> Trace: """ Extract traceback information. :param exc_type: Exception type. :param exc_value: Exception value. :param traceback: Python Traceback object. :param show_locals: Enable display of local variables. Defaults to False. :param locals_max_string: Maximum length of string before truncating, or ``None`` to disable. :param max_frames: Maximum number of frames in each stack :returns: A Trace instance with structured information about all exceptions. .. versionadded:: 22.1 """ stacks: list[Stack] = [] is_cause = False while True: stack = Stack( exc_type=safe_str(exc_type.__name__), exc_value=safe_str(exc_value), is_cause=is_cause, ) if isinstance(exc_value, SyntaxError): stack.syntax_error = SyntaxError_( offset=exc_value.offset or 0, filename=exc_value.filename or "?", lineno=exc_value.lineno or 0, line=exc_value.text or "", msg=exc_value.msg, ) stacks.append(stack) append = stack.frames.append # pylint: disable=no-member for frame_summary, line_no in walk_tb(traceback): filename = frame_summary.f_code.co_filename if filename and not filename.startswith("<"): filename = os.path.abspath(filename) frame = Frame( filename=filename or "?", lineno=line_no, name=frame_summary.f_code.co_name, locals={ key: to_repr(value, max_string=locals_max_string) for key, value in frame_summary.f_locals.items() } if show_locals else None, ) append(frame) cause = getattr(exc_value, "__cause__", None) if cause and cause.__traceback__: exc_type = cause.__class__ exc_value = cause traceback = cause.__traceback__ is_cause = True continue cause = exc_value.__context__ if ( cause and cause.__traceback__ and not getattr(exc_value, "__suppress_context__", False) ): exc_type = cause.__class__ exc_value = cause traceback = cause.__traceback__ is_cause = False continue # No cover, code is reached but coverage doesn't recognize it. break # pragma: no cover trace = Trace(stacks=stacks) return trace
[docs]class ExceptionDictTransformer: """ Return a list of exception stack dictionaries for for an exception. These dictionaries are based on :class:`Stack` instances generated by :func:`extract()` and can be dumped to JSON. :param show_locals: Whether or not to include the values of a stack frame's local variables. :param locals_max_string: The maximum length after which long string representations are truncated. :param max_frames: Maximum number of frames in each stack. Frames are removed from the inside out. The idea is, that the first frames represent your code responsible for the exception and last frames the code where the exception actually happened. With larger web frameworks, this does not always work, so you should stick with the default. """ def __init__( self, show_locals: bool = True, locals_max_string: int = LOCALS_MAX_STRING, max_frames: int = MAX_FRAMES, ) -> None: if locals_max_string < 0: raise ValueError( f'"locals_max_string" must be >= 0: {locals_max_string}' ) if max_frames < 2: raise ValueError(f'"max_frames" must be >= 2: {max_frames}') self.show_locals = show_locals self.locals_max_string = locals_max_string self.max_frames = max_frames def __call__(self, exc_info: ExcInfo) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: trace = extract( *exc_info, show_locals=self.show_locals, locals_max_string=self.locals_max_string, ) for stack in trace.stacks: if len(stack.frames) <= self.max_frames: continue half = ( self.max_frames // 2 ) # Force int division to handle odd numbers correctly fake_frame = Frame( filename="", lineno=-1, name=f"Skipped frames: {len(stack.frames) - (2 * half)}", ) stack.frames[:] = [ *stack.frames[:half], fake_frame, *stack.frames[-half:], ] stack_dicts = [asdict(stack) for stack in trace.stacks] return stack_dicts