Context Variables

With the introduction of contextvars in Python 3.7, there is a way of having a global context that is local to the current context and even works in concurrent code such as code using asyncio.

For that structlog provides the structlog.contextvars module with a set of functions to bind variables to a context-local context. This context is safe to be used in asynchronous code.

The general flow mirrors the one for thread-local:

>>> from structlog.contextvars import (
...     bind_contextvars,
...     bound_contextvars,
...     clear_contextvars,
...     merge_contextvars,
...     unbind_contextvars,
... )
>>> from structlog import configure
>>> configure(
...     processors=[
...         merge_contextvars,
...         structlog.processors.KeyValueRenderer(key_order=["event", "a"]),
...     ]
... )
>>> log = structlog.get_logger()
>>> # At the top of your request handler (or, ideally, some general
>>> # middleware), clear the contextvars-local context and bind some common
>>> # values:
>>> clear_contextvars()
>>> bind_contextvars(a=1, b=2)
{'a': <Token var=<ContextVar name='structlog_a' default=Ellipsis at ...> at ...>, 'b': <Token var=<ContextVar name='structlog_b' default=Ellipsis at ...> at ...>}
>>> # Then use loggers as per normal
>>> # (perhaps by using structlog.get_logger() to create them).
>>> log.msg("hello")
event='hello' a=1 b=2
>>> # Use unbind_contextvars to remove a variable from the context.
>>> unbind_contextvars("b")
>>> log.msg("world")
event='world' a=1
>>> # You can also bind key/value pairs temporarily.
>>> with bound_contextvars(b=2):
...    log.msg("hi")
event='hi' a=1 b=2
>>> # Now it's gone again.
>>> log.msg("hi")
event='hi' a=1
>>> # And when we clear the contextvars state again, it goes away.
>>> # a=None is printed due to the key_order argument passed to
>>> # KeyValueRenderer, but it is NOT present anymore.
>>> clear_contextvars()
>>> log.msg("hi there")
event='hi there' a=None

If e.g. your request handler calls a helper function that needs to temporarily override some contextvars before restoring them back to their original values, you can use the Tokens returned by bind_contextvars() along with reset_contextvars() to accomplish this (much like how contextvars.ContextVar.reset() works):

def foo():
    log.msg("a is restored!")  # a=1

def _helper():
    tokens = bind_contextvars(a=2)
    log.msg("a is overridden")  # a=2