
structlog’s default configuration tries to be as unsurprising to new developers as possible. Some of the choices made come with an avoidable performance price tag – although its impact is debatable.

Here are a few hints how to get most out of structlog in production:

  1. Use a specific wrapper class instead of the generic one. structlog comes with ones for the Standard Library Logging and for Twisted:


    structlog also comes with native log levels that are based on the ones from the standard library (read: we’ve copy and pasted them), but don’t involve logging’s dynamic machinery. That makes them much faster. You can use structlog.make_filtering_bound_logger() to create one.

    Writing own wrapper classes is straightforward too.

  2. Avoid (frequently) calling log methods on loggers you get back from structlog.wrap_logger() and structlog.get_logger(). Since those functions are usually called in module scope and thus before you are able to configure them, they return a proxy that assembles the correct logger on demand.

    Create a local logger if you expect to log frequently without binding:

    logger = structlog.get_logger()
    def f():
       log = logger.bind()
       for i in range(1000000000):
"iterated", i=i)
  3. Set the cache_logger_on_first_use option to True so the aforementioned on-demand loggers will be assembled only once and cached for future uses:


    This has the only drawback is that later calls on configure() don’t have any effect on already cached loggers – that shouldn’t matter outside of testing though.

  4. Avoid sending your log entries through the standard library if you can: its dynamic nature and flexibiliy make it a major bottleneck. Instead use structlog.PrintLoggerFactory or – if your serializer returns bytes (e.g. orjson) – structlog.BytesLoggerFactory.

    You can still configure logging for packages that you don’t control, but avoid it for your own log entries.

  5. Use a faster JSON serializer than the standard library. Possible alternatives are among others are orjson or RapidJSON.


Here’s an example for a production-ready non-asyncio structlog configuration that’s as fast as it gets:

import logging
import structlog

        structlog.processors.TimeStamper(fmt="iso", utc=False),

It has the following properties:

  • Caches all loggers on first use.

  • Filters all log entries below the info log level very efficiently. The debug method literally consists of return None.

  • Supports Thread Local Context.

  • Adds the log level name.

  • Renders exceptions.

  • Adds an ISO 8601 timestamp under the timestamp key in the UTC timezone.

  • Renders the log entries as JSON using orjson which is faster than plain logging in logging.

  • Uses BytesLoggerFactory because orjson returns bytes. That saves encoding ping-pong.

Therefore a log entry might look like this:


If you need standard library support for external projects, you can either just use a JSON formatter like python-json-logger, or pipe them through structlog as documented in Standard Library Logging.