Source code for

# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
# 2.0, and the MIT License.  See the LICENSE file in the root of this
# repository for complete details.

Helpers that make development with ``structlog`` more pleasant.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from six import StringIO

    import colorama
except ImportError:
    colorama = None

__all__ = [

    "{who} requires the {package} package installed.  "
_EVENT_WIDTH = 30  # pad the event name to so many characters

def _pad(s, l):
    Pads *s* to length *l*.
    missing = l - len(s)
    return s + " " * (missing if missing > 0 else 0)

if colorama is not None:
    _has_colorama = True

    RESET_ALL = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
    BRIGHT = colorama.Style.BRIGHT
    DIM = colorama.Style.DIM
    RED = colorama.Fore.RED
    BLUE = colorama.Fore.BLUE
    CYAN = colorama.Fore.CYAN
    MAGENTA = colorama.Fore.MAGENTA
    YELLOW = colorama.Fore.YELLOW
    GREEN = colorama.Fore.GREEN
    RED_BACK = colorama.Back.RED
    _has_colorama = False

        RED_BACK = ""

class _ColorfulStyles(object):
    reset = RESET_ALL
    bright = BRIGHT

    level_critical = RED
    level_exception = RED
    level_error = RED
    level_warn = YELLOW
    level_info = GREEN
    level_debug = GREEN
    level_notset = RED_BACK

    timestamp = DIM
    logger_name = BLUE
    kv_key = CYAN
    kv_value = MAGENTA

class _PlainStyles(object):
    reset = ""
    bright = ""

    level_critical = ""
    level_exception = ""
    level_error = ""
    level_warn = ""
    level_info = ""
    level_debug = ""
    level_notset = ""

    timestamp = ""
    logger_name = ""
    kv_key = ""
    kv_value = ""

[docs]class ConsoleRenderer(object): """ Render `event_dict` nicely aligned, possibly in colors, and ordered. :param int pad_event: Pad the event to this many characters. :param bool colors: Use colors for a nicer output. :param bool force_colors: Force colors even for non-tty destinations. Use this option if your logs are stored in a file that is meant to be streamed to the console. :param bool repr_native_str: When ``True``, :func:`repr()` is also applied to native strings (i.e. unicode on Python 3 and bytes on Python 2). Setting this to ``False`` is useful if you want to have human-readable non-ASCII output on Python 2. The `event` key is *never* :func:`repr()` -ed. :param dict level_styles: When present, use these styles for colors. This must be a dict from level names (strings) to colorama styles. The default can be obtained by calling :meth:`ConsoleRenderer.get_default_level_styles` Requires the colorama_ package if *colors* is ``True``. .. _colorama: .. versionadded:: 16.0 .. versionadded:: 16.1 *colors* .. versionadded:: 17.1 *repr_native_str* .. versionadded:: 18.1 *force_colors* .. versionadded:: 18.1 *level_styles* """ def __init__(self, pad_event=_EVENT_WIDTH, colors=True, force_colors=False, repr_native_str=False, level_styles=None): if colors is True: if colorama is None: raise SystemError( _MISSING.format( who=self.__class__.__name__ + " with `colors=True`", package="colorama" ) ) if force_colors: colorama.deinit() colorama.init(strip=False) else: colorama.init() styles = _ColorfulStyles else: styles = _PlainStyles self._styles = styles self._pad_event = pad_event if level_styles is None: self._level_to_color = self.get_default_level_styles(colors) else: self._level_to_color = level_styles for key in self._level_to_color.keys(): self._level_to_color[key] += styles.bright self._longest_level = len(max( self._level_to_color.keys(), key=lambda e: len(e) )) if repr_native_str is True: self._repr = repr else: def _repr(inst): if isinstance(inst, str): return inst else: return repr(inst) self._repr = _repr def __call__(self, _, __, event_dict): sio = StringIO() ts = event_dict.pop("timestamp", None) if ts is not None: sio.write( # can be a number if timestamp is UNIXy self._styles.timestamp + str(ts) + self._styles.reset + " " ) level = event_dict.pop("level", None) if level is not None: sio.write( "[" + self._level_to_color[level] + _pad(level, self._longest_level) + self._styles.reset + "] " ) event = event_dict.pop("event") if event_dict: event = _pad(event, self._pad_event) + self._styles.reset + " " else: event += self._styles.reset sio.write(self._styles.bright + event) logger_name = event_dict.pop("logger", None) if logger_name is not None: sio.write( "[" + self._styles.logger_name + self._styles.bright + logger_name + self._styles.reset + "] " ) stack = event_dict.pop("stack", None) exc = event_dict.pop("exception", None) sio.write( " ".join( self._styles.kv_key + key + self._styles.reset + "=" + self._styles.kv_value + self._repr(event_dict[key]) + self._styles.reset for key in sorted(event_dict.keys()) ) ) if stack is not None: sio.write("\n" + stack) if exc is not None: sio.write("\n\n" + "=" * 79 + "\n") if exc is not None: sio.write("\n" + exc) return sio.getvalue() @staticmethod
[docs] def get_default_level_styles(colors=True): """ Get the default styles for log levels This is intended to be used with :class:`ConsoleRenderer`'s ``level_styles`` parameter. For example, if you are adding custom levels in your home-grown :func:`~structlog.stdlib.add_log_level` you could do:: my_styles = ConsoleRenderer.get_default_level_styles() my_styles["EVERYTHING_IS_ON_FIRE"] = my_styles["critical"] renderer = ConsoleRenderer(level_styles=my_styles) :param bool colors: Whether to use colorful styles. This must match the `colors` parameter to :class:`ConsoleRenderer`. Default: True. """ if colors: styles = _ColorfulStyles else: styles = _PlainStyles return { "critical": styles.level_critical, "exception": styles.level_exception, "error": styles.level_error, "warn": styles.level_warn, "warning": styles.level_warn, "info": styles.level_info, "debug": styles.level_debug, "notset": styles.level_notset, }