Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
# 2.0, and the MIT License.  See the LICENSE file in the root of this
# repository for complete details.

Helpers that make development with *structlog* more pleasant.

See also the narrative documentation in `development`.

from __future__ import annotations

import shutil
import sys
import warnings

from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import StringIO
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (

from ._frames import _format_exception
from .processors import _figure_out_exc_info
from .typing import EventDict, ExceptionRenderer, ExcInfo, WrappedLogger

    import colorama
except ImportError:
    colorama = None

    import better_exceptions
except ImportError:
    better_exceptions = None

    import rich

    from rich.console import Console
    from rich.traceback import Traceback
except ImportError:
    rich = None  # type: ignore[assignment]

__all__ = [

_IS_WINDOWS = sys.platform == "win32"

_MISSING = "{who} requires the {package} package installed.  "
_EVENT_WIDTH = 30  # pad the event name to so many characters

def _pad(s: str, length: int) -> str:
    Pads *s* to length *length*.
    missing = length - len(s)

    return s + " " * (missing if missing > 0 else 0)

if colorama is not None:
    RESET_ALL = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
    BRIGHT = colorama.Style.BRIGHT
    DIM = colorama.Style.DIM
    RED = colorama.Fore.RED
    BLUE = colorama.Fore.BLUE
    CYAN = colorama.Fore.CYAN
    MAGENTA = colorama.Fore.MAGENTA
    YELLOW = colorama.Fore.YELLOW
    GREEN = colorama.Fore.GREEN
    RED_BACK = colorama.Back.RED
    # These are the same values as the Colorama color codes. Redefining them
    # here allows users to specify that they want color without having to
    # install Colorama, which is only supposed to be necessary in Windows.
    RESET_ALL = "\033[0m"
    BRIGHT = "\033[1m"
    DIM = "\033[2m"
    RED = "\033[31m"
    BLUE = "\033[34m"
    CYAN = "\033[36m"
    MAGENTA = "\033[35m"
    YELLOW = "\033[33m"
    GREEN = "\033[32m"
    RED_BACK = "\033[41m"

# On Windows, colors are only available if Colorama is installed.
_has_colors = not _IS_WINDOWS or colorama is not None

# Prevent breakage of packages that used the old name of the variable.
_use_colors = _has_colors

class _Styles(Protocol):
    reset: str
    bright: str
    level_critical: str
    level_exception: str
    level_error: str
    level_warn: str
    level_info: str
    level_debug: str
    level_notset: str

    timestamp: str
    logger_name: str
    kv_key: str
    kv_value: str

Styles = Union[_Styles, Type[_Styles]]

class _ColorfulStyles:
    reset = RESET_ALL
    bright = BRIGHT

    level_critical = RED
    level_exception = RED
    level_error = RED
    level_warn = YELLOW
    level_info = GREEN
    level_debug = GREEN
    level_notset = RED_BACK

    timestamp = DIM
    logger_name = BLUE
    kv_key = CYAN
    kv_value = MAGENTA

class _PlainStyles:
    reset = ""
    bright = ""

    level_critical = ""
    level_exception = ""
    level_error = ""
    level_warn = ""
    level_info = ""
    level_debug = ""
    level_notset = ""

    timestamp = ""
    logger_name = ""
    kv_key = ""
    kv_value = ""

[docs] class ColumnFormatter(Protocol): """ :class:`~typing.Protocol` for column formatters. See `KeyValueColumnFormatter` and `LogLevelColumnFormatter` for examples. .. versionadded:: 23.3.0 """
[docs] def __call__(self, key: str, value: object) -> str: """ Format *value* for *key*. This method is responsible for formatting, *key*, the ``=``, and the *value*. That means that it can use any string instead of the ``=`` and it can leave out both the *key* or the *value*. If it returns an empty string, the column is omitted completely. """
[docs] @dataclass class Column: """ A column defines the way a key-value pair is formatted, and, by it's position to the *columns* argument of `ConsoleRenderer`, the order in which it is rendered. Args: key: The key for which this column is responsible. Leave empty to define it as the default formatter. formatter: The formatter for columns with *key*. .. versionadded:: 23.3.0 """ key: str formatter: ColumnFormatter
[docs] @dataclass class KeyValueColumnFormatter: """ Format a key-value pair. Args: key_style: The style to apply to the key. If None, the key is omitted. value_style: The style to apply to the value. reset_style: The style to apply whenever a style is no longer needed. value_repr: A callable that returns the string representation of the value. width: The width to pad the value to. If 0, no padding is done. prefix: A string to prepend to the formatted key-value pair. May contain styles. postfix: A string to append to the formatted key-value pair. May contain styles. .. versionadded:: 23.3.0 """ key_style: str | None value_style: str reset_style: str value_repr: Callable[[object], str] width: int = 0 prefix: str = "" postfix: str = "" def __call__(self, key: str, value: object) -> str: sio = StringIO() if self.prefix: sio.write(self.prefix) sio.write(self.reset_style) if self.key_style is not None: sio.write(self.key_style) sio.write(key) sio.write(self.reset_style) sio.write("=") sio.write(self.value_style) sio.write(_pad(self.value_repr(value), self.width)) sio.write(self.reset_style) if self.postfix: sio.write(self.postfix) sio.write(self.reset_style) return sio.getvalue()
[docs] class LogLevelColumnFormatter: """ Format a log level according to *level_styles*. The width is padded to the longest level name (if *level_styles* is passed -- otherwise there's no way to know the lengths of all levels). Args: level_styles: A dictionary of level names to styles that are applied to it. If None, the level is formatted as a plain ``[level]``. reset_style: What to use to reset the style after the level name. Ignored if if *level_styles* is None. .. versionadded:: 23.3.0 """ level_styles: dict[str, str] | None reset_style: str width: int def __init__(self, level_styles: dict[str, str], reset_style: str) -> None: self.level_styles = level_styles if level_styles: self.width = len( max(self.level_styles.keys(), key=lambda e: len(e)) ) self.reset_style = reset_style else: self.width = 0 self.reset_style = "" def __call__(self, key: str, value: object) -> str: level = cast(str, value) style = ( "" if self.level_styles is None else self.level_styles.get(level, "") ) return f"[{style}{_pad(level, self.width)}{self.reset_style}]"
_NOTHING = object()
[docs] def plain_traceback(sio: TextIO, exc_info: ExcInfo) -> None: """ "Pretty"-print *exc_info* to *sio* using our own plain formatter. To be passed into `ConsoleRenderer`'s ``exception_formatter`` argument. Used by default if neither Rich nor *better-exceptions* are present. .. versionadded:: 21.2.0 """ sio.write("\n" + _format_exception(exc_info))
[docs] @dataclass class RichTracebackFormatter: """ A Rich traceback renderer with the given options. Pass an instance as `ConsoleRenderer`'s ``exception_formatter`` argument. See :class:`rich.traceback.Traceback` for details on the arguments. If a *width* of -1 is passed, the terminal width is used. If the width can't be determined, fall back to 80. .. versionadded:: 23.2.0 """ color_system: Literal[ "auto", "standard", "256", "truecolor", "windows" ] = "truecolor" show_locals: bool = True max_frames: int = 100 theme: str | None = None word_wrap: bool = False extra_lines: int = 3 width: int = 100 indent_guides: bool = True locals_max_length: int = 10 locals_max_string: int = 80 locals_hide_dunder: bool = True locals_hide_sunder: bool = False suppress: Sequence[str | ModuleType] = () def __call__(self, sio: TextIO, exc_info: ExcInfo) -> None: if self.width == -1: self.width, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 0)) sio.write("\n") Console(file=sio, color_system=self.color_system).print( Traceback.from_exception( *exc_info, show_locals=self.show_locals, max_frames=self.max_frames, theme=self.theme, word_wrap=self.word_wrap, extra_lines=self.extra_lines, width=self.width, indent_guides=self.indent_guides, locals_max_length=self.locals_max_length, locals_max_string=self.locals_max_string, locals_hide_dunder=self.locals_hide_dunder, locals_hide_sunder=self.locals_hide_sunder, suppress=self.suppress, ) )
rich_traceback = RichTracebackFormatter() """ Pretty-print *exc_info* to *sio* using the Rich package. To be passed into `ConsoleRenderer`'s ``exception_formatter`` argument. This is a `RichTracebackFormatter` with default arguments and used by default if Rich is installed. .. versionadded:: 21.2.0 """
[docs] def better_traceback(sio: TextIO, exc_info: ExcInfo) -> None: """ Pretty-print *exc_info* to *sio* using the *better-exceptions* package. To be passed into `ConsoleRenderer`'s ``exception_formatter`` argument. Used by default if *better-exceptions* is installed and Rich is absent. .. versionadded:: 21.2.0 """ sio.write("\n" + "".join(better_exceptions.format_exception(*exc_info)))
if rich is not None: default_exception_formatter = rich_traceback elif better_exceptions is not None: default_exception_formatter = better_traceback else: default_exception_formatter = plain_traceback
[docs] class ConsoleRenderer: """ Render ``event_dict`` nicely aligned, possibly in colors, and ordered. If ``event_dict`` contains a true-ish ``exc_info`` key, it will be rendered *after* the log line. If Rich_ or better-exceptions_ are present, in colors and with extra context. Args: columns: A list of `Column` objects defining both the order and format of the key-value pairs in the output. If passed, most other arguments become meaningless. **Must** contain a column with ``key=''`` that defines the default formatter. .. seealso:: `columns-config` pad_event: Pad the event to this many characters. Ignored if *columns* are passed. colors: Use colors for a nicer output. `True` by default. On Windows only if Colorama_ is installed. Ignored if *columns* are passed. force_colors: Force colors even for non-tty destinations. Use this option if your logs are stored in a file that is meant to be streamed to the console. Only meaningful on Windows. Ignored if *columns* are passed. repr_native_str: When `True`, `repr` is also applied to ``str``s. The ``event`` key is *never* `repr` -ed. Ignored if *columns* are passed. level_styles: When present, use these styles for colors. This must be a dict from level names (strings) to Colorama styles. The default can be obtained by calling `ConsoleRenderer.get_default_level_styles`. Ignored when *columns* are passed. exception_formatter: A callable to render ``exc_infos``. If Rich_ or better-exceptions_ are installed, they are used for pretty-printing by default (rich_ taking precedence). You can also manually set it to `plain_traceback`, `better_traceback`, an instance of `RichTracebackFormatter` like `rich_traceback`, or implement your own. sort_keys: Whether to sort keys when formatting. `True` by default. Ignored if *columns* are passed. event_key: The key to look for the main log message. Needed when you rename it e.g. using `structlog.processors.EventRenamer`. Ignored if *columns* are passed. timestamp_key: The key to look for timestamp of the log message. Needed when you rename it e.g. using `structlog.processors.EventRenamer`. Ignored if *columns* are passed. Requires the Colorama_ package if *colors* is `True` **on Windows**. Raises: ValueError: If there's not exactly one default column formatter. .. _Colorama: .. _better-exceptions: .. _Rich: .. versionadded:: 16.0.0 .. versionadded:: 16.1.0 *colors* .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 *repr_native_str* .. versionadded:: 18.1.0 *force_colors* .. versionadded:: 18.1.0 *level_styles* .. versionchanged:: 19.2.0 Colorama now initializes lazily to avoid unwanted initializations as ``ConsoleRenderer`` is used by default. .. versionchanged:: 19.2.0 Can be pickled now. .. versionchanged:: 20.1.0 Colorama does not initialize lazily on Windows anymore because it breaks rendering. .. versionchanged:: 21.1.0 It is additionally possible to set the logger name using the ``logger_name`` key in the ``event_dict``. .. versionadded:: 21.2.0 *exception_formatter* .. versionchanged:: 21.2.0 `ConsoleRenderer` now handles the ``exc_info`` event dict key itself. Do **not** use the `structlog.processors.format_exc_info` processor together with `ConsoleRenderer` anymore! It will keep working, but you can't have customize exception formatting and a warning will be raised if you ask for it. .. versionchanged:: 21.2.0 The colors keyword now defaults to True on non-Windows systems, and either True or False in Windows depending on whether Colorama is installed. .. versionadded:: 21.3.0 *sort_keys* .. versionadded:: 22.1.0 *event_key* .. versionadded:: 23.2.0 *timestamp_key* .. versionadded:: 23.3.0 *columns* """ def __init__( # noqa: PLR0912 self, pad_event: int = _EVENT_WIDTH, colors: bool = _has_colors, force_colors: bool = False, repr_native_str: bool = False, level_styles: Styles | None = None, exception_formatter: ExceptionRenderer = default_exception_formatter, sort_keys: bool = True, event_key: str = "event", timestamp_key: str = "timestamp", columns: list[Column] | None = None, ): self._exception_formatter = exception_formatter self._sort_keys = sort_keys if columns is not None: to_warn = [] def add_meaningless_arg(arg: str) -> None: to_warn.append( f"The `{arg}` argument is ignored when passing `columns`.", ) if pad_event != _EVENT_WIDTH: add_meaningless_arg("pad_event") if colors != _has_colors: add_meaningless_arg("colors") if force_colors is not False: add_meaningless_arg("force_colors") if repr_native_str is not False: add_meaningless_arg("repr_native_str") if level_styles is not None: add_meaningless_arg("level_styles") if event_key != "event": add_meaningless_arg("event_key") if timestamp_key != "timestamp": add_meaningless_arg("timestamp_key") for w in to_warn: warnings.warn(w, stacklevel=2) defaults = [col for col in columns if col.key == ""] if not defaults: raise ValueError( "Must pass a default column formatter (a column with `key=''`)." ) if len(defaults) > 1: raise ValueError("Only one default column formatter allowed.") self._default_column_formatter = defaults[0].formatter self._columns = [col for col in columns if col.key] return # Create default columns configuration. styles: Styles if colors: if _IS_WINDOWS: # pragma: no cover # On Windows, we can't do colorful output without colorama. if colorama is None: classname = self.__class__.__name__ raise SystemError( _MISSING.format( who=classname + " with `colors=True`", package="colorama", ) ) # Colorama must be init'd on Windows, but must NOT be # init'd on other OSes, because it can break colors. if force_colors: colorama.deinit() colorama.init(strip=False) else: colorama.init() styles = _ColorfulStyles else: styles = _PlainStyles self._styles = styles level_to_color = ( self.get_default_level_styles(colors) if level_styles is None else level_styles ) for key in level_to_color: level_to_color[key] += styles.bright self._longest_level = len( max(level_to_color.keys(), key=lambda e: len(e)) ) self._repr_native_str = repr_native_str self._default_column_formatter = KeyValueColumnFormatter( styles.kv_key, styles.kv_value, styles.reset, value_repr=self._repr, width=0, ) logger_name_formatter = KeyValueColumnFormatter( key_style=None, value_style=styles.bright + styles.logger_name, reset_style=styles.reset, value_repr=str, prefix="[", postfix="]", ) self._columns = [ Column( timestamp_key, KeyValueColumnFormatter( key_style=None, value_style=styles.timestamp, reset_style=styles.reset, value_repr=str, ), ), Column( "level", LogLevelColumnFormatter( level_to_color, reset_style=styles.reset ), ), Column( event_key, KeyValueColumnFormatter( key_style=None, value_style=styles.bright, reset_style=styles.reset, value_repr=str, width=pad_event, ), ), Column("logger", logger_name_formatter), Column("logger_name", logger_name_formatter), ] def _repr(self, val: Any) -> str: """ Determine representation of *val* depending on its type & self._repr_native_str. """ if self._repr_native_str is True: return repr(val) if isinstance(val, str): return val return repr(val) def __call__( self, logger: WrappedLogger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> str: stack = event_dict.pop("stack", None) exc = event_dict.pop("exception", None) exc_info = event_dict.pop("exc_info", None) kvs = [ col.formatter(col.key, val) for col in self._columns if (val := event_dict.pop(col.key, _NOTHING)) is not _NOTHING ] + [ self._default_column_formatter(key, event_dict[key]) for key in (sorted(event_dict) if self._sort_keys else event_dict) ] sio = StringIO() sio.write((" ".join(kv for kv in kvs if kv)).rstrip(" ")) if stack is not None: sio.write("\n" + stack) if exc_info or exc is not None: sio.write("\n\n" + "=" * 79 + "\n") if exc_info: exc_info = _figure_out_exc_info(exc_info) if exc_info != (None, None, None): self._exception_formatter(sio, exc_info) elif exc is not None: if self._exception_formatter is not plain_traceback: warnings.warn( "Remove `format_exc_info` from your processor chain " "if you want pretty exceptions.", stacklevel=2, ) sio.write("\n" + exc) return sio.getvalue()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_level_styles(colors: bool = True) -> Any: """ Get the default styles for log levels This is intended to be used with `ConsoleRenderer`'s ``level_styles`` parameter. For example, if you are adding custom levels in your home-grown :func:`~structlog.stdlib.add_log_level` you could do:: my_styles = ConsoleRenderer.get_default_level_styles() my_styles["EVERYTHING_IS_ON_FIRE"] = my_styles["critical"] renderer = ConsoleRenderer(level_styles=my_styles) Args: colors: Whether to use colorful styles. This must match the *colors* parameter to `ConsoleRenderer`. Default: `True`. """ styles: Styles styles = _ColorfulStyles if colors else _PlainStyles return { "critical": styles.level_critical, "exception": styles.level_exception, "error": styles.level_error, "warn": styles.level_warn, "warning": styles.level_warn, "info": styles.level_info, "debug": styles.level_debug, "notset": styles.level_notset, }
_SENTINEL = object()
[docs] def set_exc_info( logger: WrappedLogger, method_name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> EventDict: """ Set ``event_dict["exc_info"] = True`` if *method_name* is ``"exception"``. Do nothing if the name is different or ``exc_info`` is already set. """ if ( method_name != "exception" or event_dict.get("exc_info", _SENTINEL) is not _SENTINEL ): return event_dict event_dict["exc_info"] = True return event_dict