Source code for structlog.processors

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
# 2.0, and the MIT License.  See the LICENSE file in the root of this
# repository for complete details.

Processors useful regardless of the logging framework.

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import enum
import inspect
import json
import logging
import operator
import os
import sys
import threading
import time

from typing import (

from ._frames import (
from ._log_levels import _NAME_TO_LEVEL, add_log_level
from ._utils import get_processname
from .tracebacks import ExceptionDictTransformer
from .typing import EventDict, ExceptionTransformer, ExcInfo, WrappedLogger

__all__ = [
    "_NAME_TO_LEVEL",  # some people rely on it being here

[docs] class KeyValueRenderer: """ Render ``event_dict`` as a list of ``Key=repr(Value)`` pairs. Arguments: sort_keys: Whether to sort keys when formatting. key_order: List of keys that should be rendered in this exact order. Missing keys will be rendered as ``None``, extra keys depending on *sort_keys* and the dict class. drop_missing: When ``True``, extra keys in *key_order* will be dropped rather than rendered as ``None``. repr_native_str: When ``True``, :func:`repr()` is also applied to native strings. .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 *key_order* .. versionadded:: 16.1.0 *drop_missing* .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 *repr_native_str* """ def __init__( self, sort_keys: bool = False, key_order: Sequence[str] | None = None, drop_missing: bool = False, repr_native_str: bool = True, ): self._ordered_items = _items_sorter(sort_keys, key_order, drop_missing) if repr_native_str is True: self._repr = repr else: def _repr(inst: Any) -> str: if isinstance(inst, str): return inst return repr(inst) self._repr = _repr def __call__( self, _: WrappedLogger, __: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> str: return " ".join( k + "=" + self._repr(v) for k, v in self._ordered_items(event_dict) )
[docs] class LogfmtRenderer: """ Render ``event_dict`` using the logfmt_ format. .. _logfmt: Arguments: sort_keys: Whether to sort keys when formatting. key_order: List of keys that should be rendered in this exact order. Missing keys are rendered with empty values, extra keys depending on *sort_keys* and the dict class. drop_missing: When ``True``, extra keys in *key_order* will be dropped rather than rendered with empty values. bool_as_flag: When ``True``, render ``{"flag": True}`` as ``flag``, instead of ``flag=true``. ``{"flag": False}`` is always rendered as ``flag=false``. Raises: ValueError: If a key contains non printable or space characters. .. versionadded:: 21.5.0 """ def __init__( self, sort_keys: bool = False, key_order: Sequence[str] | None = None, drop_missing: bool = False, bool_as_flag: bool = True, ): self._ordered_items = _items_sorter(sort_keys, key_order, drop_missing) self.bool_as_flag = bool_as_flag def __call__( self, _: WrappedLogger, __: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> str: elements: list[str] = [] for key, value in self._ordered_items(event_dict): if any(c <= " " for c in key): msg = f'Invalid key: "{key}"' raise ValueError(msg) if value is None: elements.append(f"{key}=") continue if isinstance(value, bool): if self.bool_as_flag and value: elements.append(f"{key}") continue value = "true" if value else "false" value = f"{value}".replace('"', '\\"') if " " in value or "=" in value: value = f'"{value}"' elements.append(f"{key}={value}") return " ".join(elements)
def _items_sorter( sort_keys: bool, key_order: Sequence[str] | None, drop_missing: bool, ) -> Callable[[EventDict], list[tuple[str, object]]]: """ Return a function to sort items from an ``event_dict``. See `KeyValueRenderer` for an explanation of the parameters. """ # Use an optimized version for each case. if key_order and sort_keys: def ordered_items(event_dict: EventDict) -> list[tuple[str, Any]]: items = [] for key in key_order: value = event_dict.pop(key, None) if value is not None or not drop_missing: items.append((key, value)) items += sorted(event_dict.items()) return items elif key_order: def ordered_items(event_dict: EventDict) -> list[tuple[str, Any]]: items = [] for key in key_order: value = event_dict.pop(key, None) if value is not None or not drop_missing: items.append((key, value)) items += event_dict.items() return items elif sort_keys: def ordered_items(event_dict: EventDict) -> list[tuple[str, Any]]: return sorted(event_dict.items()) else: ordered_items = operator.methodcaller( # type: ignore[assignment] "items" ) return ordered_items
[docs] class UnicodeEncoder: """ Encode unicode values in ``event_dict``. Arguments: encoding: Encoding to encode to (default: ``"utf-8"``). errors: How to cope with encoding errors (default ``"backslashreplace"``). Just put it in the processor chain before the renderer. .. note:: Not very useful in a Python 3-only world. """ _encoding: str _errors: str def __init__( self, encoding: str = "utf-8", errors: str = "backslashreplace" ) -> None: self._encoding = encoding self._errors = errors def __call__( self, logger: WrappedLogger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> EventDict: for key, value in event_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, str): event_dict[key] = value.encode(self._encoding, self._errors) return event_dict
[docs] class UnicodeDecoder: """ Decode byte string values in ``event_dict``. Arguments: encoding: Encoding to decode from (default: ``"utf-8"``). errors: How to cope with encoding errors (default: ``"replace"``). Useful to prevent ``b"abc"`` being rendered as as ``'b"abc"'``. Just put it in the processor chain before the renderer. .. versionadded:: 15.4.0 """ _encoding: str _errors: str def __init__( self, encoding: str = "utf-8", errors: str = "replace" ) -> None: self._encoding = encoding self._errors = errors def __call__( self, logger: WrappedLogger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> EventDict: for key, value in event_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, bytes): event_dict[key] = value.decode(self._encoding, self._errors) return event_dict
[docs] class JSONRenderer: """ Render the ``event_dict`` using ``serializer(event_dict, **dumps_kw)``. Arguments: dumps_kw: Are passed unmodified to *serializer*. If *default* is passed, it will disable support for ``__structlog__``-based serialization. serializer: A :func:`json.dumps`-compatible callable that will be used to format the string. This can be used to use alternative JSON encoders like `orjson <>`__ or `RapidJSON <>`_ (default: :func:`json.dumps`). .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Support for ``__structlog__`` serialization method. .. versionadded:: 15.4.0 *serializer* parameter. .. versionadded:: 18.2.0 Serializer's *default* parameter can be overwritten now. """ def __init__( self, serializer: Callable[..., str | bytes] = json.dumps, **dumps_kw: Any, ) -> None: dumps_kw.setdefault("default", _json_fallback_handler) self._dumps_kw = dumps_kw self._dumps = serializer def __call__( self, logger: WrappedLogger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> str | bytes: """ The return type of this depends on the return type of self._dumps. """ return self._dumps(event_dict, **self._dumps_kw)
def _json_fallback_handler(obj: Any) -> Any: """ Serialize custom datatypes and pass the rest to __structlog__ & repr(). """ # circular imports :( from structlog.threadlocal import _ThreadLocalDictWrapper if isinstance(obj, _ThreadLocalDictWrapper): return obj._dict try: return obj.__structlog__() except AttributeError: return repr(obj)
[docs] class ExceptionRenderer: """ Replace an ``exc_info`` field with an ``exception`` field which is rendered by *exception_formatter*. The contents of the ``exception`` field depends on the return value of the *exception_formatter* that is passed: - The default produces a formatted string via Python's built-in traceback formatting (this is :obj:`.format_exc_info`). - If you pass a :class:`~structlog.tracebacks.ExceptionDictTransformer`, it becomes a list of stack dicts that can be serialized to JSON. If *event_dict* contains the key ``exc_info``, there are three possible behaviors: 1. If the value is a tuple, render it into the key ``exception``. 2. If the value is an Exception render it into the key ``exception``. 3. If the value true but no tuple, obtain exc_info ourselves and render that. If there is no ``exc_info`` key, the *event_dict* is not touched. This behavior is analog to the one of the stdlib's logging. Arguments: exception_formatter: A callable that is used to format the exception from the ``exc_info`` field into the ``exception`` field. .. seealso:: :doc:`exceptions` for a broader explanation of *structlog*'s exception features. .. versionadded:: 22.1.0 """ def __init__( self, exception_formatter: ExceptionTransformer = _format_exception, ) -> None: self.format_exception = exception_formatter def __call__( self, logger: WrappedLogger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> EventDict: exc_info = event_dict.pop("exc_info", None) if exc_info: event_dict["exception"] = self.format_exception( _figure_out_exc_info(exc_info) ) return event_dict
format_exc_info = ExceptionRenderer() """ Replace an ``exc_info`` field with an ``exception`` string field using Python's built-in traceback formatting. If *event_dict* contains the key ``exc_info``, there are three possible behaviors: 1. If the value is a tuple, render it into the key ``exception``. 2. If the value is an Exception render it into the key ``exception``. 3. If the value is true but no tuple, obtain exc_info ourselves and render that. If there is no ``exc_info`` key, the *event_dict* is not touched. This behavior is analog to the one of the stdlib's logging. .. seealso:: :doc:`exceptions` for a broader explanation of *structlog*'s exception features. """ dict_tracebacks = ExceptionRenderer(ExceptionDictTransformer()) """ Replace an ``exc_info`` field with an ``exception`` field containing structured tracebacks suitable for, e.g., JSON output. It is a shortcut for :class:`ExceptionRenderer` with a :class:`~structlog.tracebacks.ExceptionDictTransformer`. The treatment of the ``exc_info`` key is identical to `format_exc_info`. .. versionadded:: 22.1.0 .. seealso:: :doc:`exceptions` for a broader explanation of *structlog*'s exception features. """
[docs] class TimeStamper: """ Add a timestamp to ``event_dict``. Arguments: fmt: strftime format string, or ``"iso"`` for `ISO 8601 <>`_, or `None` for a `UNIX timestamp <>`_. utc: Whether timestamp should be in UTC or local time. key: Target key in *event_dict* for added timestamps. .. versionchanged:: 19.2.0 Can be pickled now. """ __slots__ = ("_stamper", "fmt", "utc", "key") def __init__( self, fmt: str | None = None, utc: bool = True, key: str = "timestamp", ) -> None: self.fmt, self.utc, self.key = fmt, utc, key self._stamper = _make_stamper(fmt, utc, key) def __call__( self, logger: WrappedLogger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> EventDict: return self._stamper(event_dict) def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {"fmt": self.fmt, "utc": self.utc, "key": self.key} def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.fmt = state["fmt"] self.utc = state["utc"] self.key = state["key"] self._stamper = _make_stamper(**state)
def _make_stamper( fmt: str | None, utc: bool, key: str ) -> Callable[[EventDict], EventDict]: """ Create a stamper function. """ if fmt is None and not utc: msg = "UNIX timestamps are always UTC." raise ValueError(msg) now: Callable[[], datetime.datetime] if utc: def now() -> datetime.datetime: return else: def now() -> datetime.datetime: # A naive local datetime is fine here, because we only format it. return # noqa: DTZ005 if fmt is None: def stamper_unix(event_dict: EventDict) -> EventDict: event_dict[key] = time.time() return event_dict return stamper_unix if fmt.upper() == "ISO": def stamper_iso_local(event_dict: EventDict) -> EventDict: event_dict[key] = now().isoformat() return event_dict def stamper_iso_utc(event_dict: EventDict) -> EventDict: event_dict[key] = now().isoformat().replace("+00:00", "Z") return event_dict if utc: return stamper_iso_utc return stamper_iso_local def stamper_fmt(event_dict: EventDict) -> EventDict: event_dict[key] = now().strftime(fmt) return event_dict return stamper_fmt
[docs] class MaybeTimeStamper: """ A timestamper that only adds a timestamp if there is none. This allows you to overwrite the ``timestamp`` key in the event dict for example when the event is coming from another system. It takes the same arguments as `TimeStamper`. .. versionadded:: 23.2.0 """ __slots__ = ("stamper",) def __init__( self, fmt: str | None = None, utc: bool = True, key: str = "timestamp", ): self.stamper = TimeStamper(fmt=fmt, utc=utc, key=key) def __call__( self, logger: WrappedLogger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> EventDict: if "timestamp" not in event_dict: return self.stamper(logger, name, event_dict) return event_dict
def _figure_out_exc_info(v: Any) -> ExcInfo: """ Depending on the Python version will try to do the smartest thing possible to transform *v* into an ``exc_info`` tuple. """ if isinstance(v, BaseException): return (v.__class__, v, v.__traceback__) if isinstance(v, tuple): return v # type: ignore[return-value] if v: return sys.exc_info() # type: ignore[return-value] return v
[docs] class ExceptionPrettyPrinter: """ Pretty print exceptions and remove them from the ``event_dict``. Arguments: file: Target file for output (default: ``sys.stdout``). This processor is mostly for development and testing so you can read exceptions properly formatted. It behaves like `format_exc_info` except it removes the exception data from the event dictionary after printing it. It's tolerant to having `format_exc_info` in front of itself in the processor chain but doesn't require it. In other words, it handles both ``exception`` as well as ``exc_info`` keys. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 16.0.0 Added support for passing exceptions as ``exc_info`` on Python 3. """ def __init__( self, file: TextIO | None = None, exception_formatter: ExceptionTransformer = _format_exception, ) -> None: if file is not None: self._file = file else: self._file = sys.stdout def __call__( self, logger: WrappedLogger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> EventDict: exc = event_dict.pop("exception", None) if exc is None: exc_info = _figure_out_exc_info(event_dict.pop("exc_info", None)) if exc_info: exc = _format_exception(exc_info) if exc: print(exc, file=self._file) return event_dict
[docs] class StackInfoRenderer: """ Add stack information with key ``stack`` if ``stack_info`` is `True`. Useful when you want to attach a stack dump to a log entry without involving an exception and works analogously to the *stack_info* argument of the Python standard library logging. Arguments: additional_ignores: By default, stack frames coming from *structlog* are ignored. With this argument you can add additional names that are ignored, before the stack starts being rendered. They are matched using ``startswith()``, so they don't have to match exactly. The names are used to find the first relevant name, therefore once a frame is found that doesn't start with *structlog* or one of *additional_ignores*, **no filtering** is applied to subsequent frames. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 .. versionadded:: 22.1.0 *additional_ignores* """ __slots__ = ("_additional_ignores",) def __init__(self, additional_ignores: list[str] | None = None) -> None: self._additional_ignores = additional_ignores def __call__( self, logger: WrappedLogger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> EventDict: if event_dict.pop("stack_info", None): event_dict["stack"] = _format_stack( _find_first_app_frame_and_name(self._additional_ignores)[0] ) return event_dict
[docs] class CallsiteParameter(enum.Enum): """ Callsite parameters that can be added to an event dictionary with the `structlog.processors.CallsiteParameterAdder` processor class. The string values of the members of this enum will be used as the keys for the callsite parameters in the event dictionary. .. versionadded:: 21.5.0 """ #: The full path to the python source file of the callsite. PATHNAME = "pathname" #: The basename part of the full path to the python source file of the #: callsite. FILENAME = "filename" #: The python module the callsite was in. This mimics the module attribute #: of `logging.LogRecord` objects and will be the basename, without #: extension, of the full path to the python source file of the callsite. MODULE = "module" #: The name of the function that the callsite was in. FUNC_NAME = "func_name" #: The line number of the callsite. LINENO = "lineno" #: The ID of the thread the callsite was executed in. THREAD = "thread" #: The name of the thread the callsite was executed in. THREAD_NAME = "thread_name" #: The ID of the process the callsite was executed in. PROCESS = "process" #: The name of the process the callsite was executed in. PROCESS_NAME = "process_name"
[docs] class CallsiteParameterAdder: """ Adds parameters of the callsite that an event dictionary originated from to the event dictionary. This processor can be used to enrich events dictionaries with information such as the function name, line number and filename that an event dictionary originated from. .. warning:: This processor cannot detect the correct callsite for invocation of async functions. If the event dictionary has an embedded `logging.LogRecord` object and did not originate from *structlog* then the callsite information will be determined from the `logging.LogRecord` object. For event dictionaries without an embedded `logging.LogRecord` object the callsite will be determined from the stack trace, ignoring all intra-structlog calls, calls from the `logging` module, and stack frames from modules with names that start with values in ``additional_ignores``, if it is specified. The keys used for callsite parameters in the event dictionary are the string values of `CallsiteParameter` enum members. Arguments: parameters: A collection of `CallsiteParameter` values that should be added to the event dictionary. additional_ignores: Additional names with which a stack frame's module name must not start for it to be considered when determening the callsite. .. note:: When used with `structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter` the most efficient configuration is to either use this processor in ``foreign_pre_chain`` of `structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter` and in ``processors`` of `structlog.configure`, or to use it in ``processors`` of `structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter` without using it in ``processors`` of `structlog.configure` and ``foreign_pre_chain`` of `structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter`. .. versionadded:: 21.5.0 """ _handlers: ClassVar[ dict[CallsiteParameter, Callable[[str, inspect.Traceback], Any]] ] = { CallsiteParameter.PATHNAME: ( lambda module, frame_info: frame_info.filename ), CallsiteParameter.FILENAME: ( lambda module, frame_info: os.path.basename(frame_info.filename) ), CallsiteParameter.MODULE: ( lambda module, frame_info: os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(frame_info.filename) )[0] ), CallsiteParameter.FUNC_NAME: ( lambda module, frame_info: frame_info.function ), CallsiteParameter.LINENO: ( lambda module, frame_info: frame_info.lineno ), CallsiteParameter.THREAD: ( lambda module, frame_info: threading.get_ident() ), CallsiteParameter.THREAD_NAME: ( lambda module, frame_info: threading.current_thread().name ), CallsiteParameter.PROCESS: (lambda module, frame_info: os.getpid()), CallsiteParameter.PROCESS_NAME: ( lambda module, frame_info: get_processname() ), } _record_attribute_map: ClassVar[dict[CallsiteParameter, str]] = { CallsiteParameter.PATHNAME: "pathname", CallsiteParameter.FILENAME: "filename", CallsiteParameter.MODULE: "module", CallsiteParameter.FUNC_NAME: "funcName", CallsiteParameter.LINENO: "lineno", CallsiteParameter.THREAD: "thread", CallsiteParameter.THREAD_NAME: "threadName", CallsiteParameter.PROCESS: "process", CallsiteParameter.PROCESS_NAME: "processName", } _all_parameters: ClassVar[set[CallsiteParameter]] = set(CallsiteParameter) class _RecordMapping(NamedTuple): event_dict_key: str record_attribute: str __slots__ = ("_active_handlers", "_additional_ignores", "_record_mappings") def __init__( self, parameters: Collection[CallsiteParameter] = _all_parameters, additional_ignores: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: if additional_ignores is None: additional_ignores = [] # Ignore stack frames from the logging module. They will occur if this # processor is used in ProcessorFormatter, and additionally the logging # module should not be logging using structlog. self._additional_ignores = ["logging", *additional_ignores] self._active_handlers: list[ tuple[CallsiteParameter, Callable[[str, inspect.Traceback], Any]] ] = [] self._record_mappings: list[CallsiteParameterAdder._RecordMapping] = [] for parameter in parameters: self._active_handlers.append( (parameter, self._handlers[parameter]) ) self._record_mappings.append( self._RecordMapping( parameter.value, self._record_attribute_map[parameter], ) ) def __call__( self, logger: logging.Logger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> EventDict: record: logging.LogRecord | None = event_dict.get("_record") from_structlog: bool | None = event_dict.get("_from_structlog") # If the event dictionary has a record, but it comes from structlog, # then the callsite parameters of the record will not be correct. if record is not None and not from_structlog: for mapping in self._record_mappings: event_dict[mapping.event_dict_key] = record.__dict__[ mapping.record_attribute ] else: frame, module = _find_first_app_frame_and_name( additional_ignores=self._additional_ignores ) frame_info = inspect.getframeinfo(frame) for parameter, handler in self._active_handlers: event_dict[parameter.value] = handler(module, frame_info) return event_dict
[docs] class EventRenamer: r""" Rename the ``event`` key in event dicts. This is useful if you want to use consistent log message keys across platforms and/or use the ``event`` key for something custom. .. warning:: It's recommended to put this processor right before the renderer, since some processors may rely on the presence and meaning of the ``event`` key. Arguments: to: Rename ``event_dict["event"]`` to ``event_dict[to]`` replace_by: Rename ``event_dict[replace_by]`` to ``event_dict["event"]``. *replace_by* missing from ``event_dict`` is handled gracefully. .. versionadded:: 22.1.0 See also the :ref:`rename-event` recipe. """ def __init__(self, to: str, replace_by: str | None = None): = to self.replace_by = replace_by def __call__( self, logger: logging.Logger, name: str, event_dict: EventDict ) -> EventDict: event = event_dict.pop("event") event_dict[] = event if self.replace_by is not None: replace_by = event_dict.pop(self.replace_by, None) if replace_by is not None: event_dict["event"] = replace_by return event_dict