Source code for structlog._config

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
# 2.0, and the MIT License.  See the LICENSE file in the root of this
# repository for complete details.

Global state department.  Don't reload this module or everything breaks.

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import sys
import warnings

from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Sequence, Type, cast

from ._log_levels import make_filtering_bound_logger
from ._output import PrintLoggerFactory
from .contextvars import merge_contextvars
from .dev import ConsoleRenderer, _has_colors, set_exc_info
from .processors import StackInfoRenderer, TimeStamper, add_log_level
from .typing import BindableLogger, Context, Processor, WrappedLogger

Any changes to these defaults must be reflected in:

- `getting-started`.
- structlog.stdlib.recreate_defaults()'s docstring.
_BUILTIN_DEFAULT_PROCESSORS: Sequence[Processor] = [
    TimeStamper(fmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", utc=False),
        colors=os.environ.get("NO_COLOR", "") == ""
        and (
            os.environ.get("FORCE_COLOR", "") != ""
            or (
                and sys.stdout is not None
                and hasattr(sys.stdout, "isatty")
                and sys.stdout.isatty()
_BUILTIN_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CLASS = cast(Type[Context], dict)
_BUILTIN_DEFAULT_WRAPPER_CLASS = make_filtering_bound_logger(0)

class _Configuration:
    Global defaults.

    is_configured: bool = False
    default_processors: Iterable[Processor] = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_PROCESSORS[:]
    default_context_class: type[Context] = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CLASS
    default_wrapper_class: Any = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_WRAPPER_CLASS
    logger_factory: Callable[
        ..., WrappedLogger
    cache_logger_on_first_use: bool = _BUILTIN_CACHE_LOGGER_ON_FIRST_USE

_CONFIG = _Configuration()
Global defaults used when arguments to `wrap_logger` are omitted.

[docs] def is_configured() -> bool: """ Return whether *structlog* has been configured. If `False`, *structlog* is running with builtin defaults. .. versionadded: 18.1.0 """ return _CONFIG.is_configured
[docs] def get_config() -> dict[str, Any]: """ Get a dictionary with the current configuration. .. note:: Changes to the returned dictionary do *not* affect *structlog*. .. versionadded: 18.1.0 """ return { "processors": _CONFIG.default_processors, "context_class": _CONFIG.default_context_class, "wrapper_class": _CONFIG.default_wrapper_class, "logger_factory": _CONFIG.logger_factory, "cache_logger_on_first_use": _CONFIG.cache_logger_on_first_use, }
[docs] def get_logger(*args: Any, **initial_values: Any) -> Any: """ Convenience function that returns a logger according to configuration. >>> from structlog import get_logger >>> log = get_logger(y=23) >>>"hello", x=42) y=23 x=42 event='hello' Arguments: args: *Optional* positional arguments that are passed unmodified to the logger factory. Therefore it depends on the factory what they mean. initial_values: Values that are used to pre-populate your contexts. Returns: A proxy that creates a correctly configured bound logger when necessary. The type of that bound logger depends on your configuration and is `structlog.BoundLogger` by default. See `configuration` for details. If you prefer CamelCase, there's an alias for your reading pleasure: `structlog.getLogger`. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 *args* """ return wrap_logger(None, logger_factory_args=args, **initial_values)
getLogger = get_logger # noqa: N816 """ CamelCase alias for `structlog.get_logger`. This function is supposed to be in every source file -- we don't want it to stick out like a sore thumb in frameworks like Twisted or Zope. """
[docs] def wrap_logger( logger: WrappedLogger | None, processors: Iterable[Processor] | None = None, wrapper_class: type[BindableLogger] | None = None, context_class: type[Context] | None = None, cache_logger_on_first_use: bool | None = None, logger_factory_args: Iterable[Any] | None = None, **initial_values: Any, ) -> Any: """ Create a new bound logger for an arbitrary *logger*. Default values for *processors*, *wrapper_class*, and *context_class* can be set using `configure`. If you set an attribute here, `configure` calls have *no* effect for the *respective* attribute. In other words: selective overwriting of the defaults while keeping some *is* possible. Arguments: initial_values: Values that are used to pre-populate your contexts. logger_factory_args: Values that are passed unmodified as ``*logger_factory_args`` to the logger factory if not `None`. Returns: A proxy that creates a correctly configured bound logger when necessary. See `configure` for the meaning of the rest of the arguments. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 *logger_factory_args* """ return BoundLoggerLazyProxy( logger, wrapper_class=wrapper_class, processors=processors, context_class=context_class, cache_logger_on_first_use=cache_logger_on_first_use, initial_values=initial_values, logger_factory_args=logger_factory_args, )
[docs] def configure( processors: Iterable[Processor] | None = None, wrapper_class: type[BindableLogger] | None = None, context_class: type[Context] | None = None, logger_factory: Callable[..., WrappedLogger] | None = None, cache_logger_on_first_use: bool | None = None, ) -> None: """ Configures the **global** defaults. They are used if `wrap_logger` or `get_logger` are called without arguments. Can be called several times, keeping an argument at `None` leaves it unchanged from the current setting. After calling for the first time, `is_configured` starts returning `True`. Use `reset_defaults` to undo your changes. Arguments: processors: The processor chain. See :doc:`processors` for details. wrapper_class: Class to use for wrapping loggers instead of `structlog.BoundLogger`. See `standard-library`, :doc:`twisted`, and `custom-wrappers`. context_class: Class to be used for internal context keeping. The default is a `dict` and since dictionaries are ordered as of Python 3.6, there's few reasons to change this option. logger_factory: Factory to be called to create a new logger that shall be wrapped. cache_logger_on_first_use: `wrap_logger` doesn't return an actual wrapped logger but a proxy that assembles one when it's first used. If this option is set to `True`, this assembled logger is cached. See `performance`. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 *cache_logger_on_first_use* """ _CONFIG.is_configured = True if processors is not None: _CONFIG.default_processors = processors if wrapper_class is not None: _CONFIG.default_wrapper_class = wrapper_class if context_class is not None: _CONFIG.default_context_class = context_class if logger_factory is not None: _CONFIG.logger_factory = logger_factory if cache_logger_on_first_use is not None: _CONFIG.cache_logger_on_first_use = cache_logger_on_first_use
[docs] def configure_once( processors: Iterable[Processor] | None = None, wrapper_class: type[BindableLogger] | None = None, context_class: type[Context] | None = None, logger_factory: Callable[..., WrappedLogger] | None = None, cache_logger_on_first_use: bool | None = None, ) -> None: """ Configures if structlog isn't configured yet. It does *not* matter whether it was configured using `configure` or `configure_once` before. Raises: RuntimeWarning: if repeated configuration is attempted. """ if not _CONFIG.is_configured: configure( processors=processors, wrapper_class=wrapper_class, context_class=context_class, logger_factory=logger_factory, cache_logger_on_first_use=cache_logger_on_first_use, ) else: warnings.warn( "Repeated configuration attempted.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2 )
[docs] def reset_defaults() -> None: """ Resets global default values to builtin defaults. `is_configured` starts returning `False` afterwards. """ _CONFIG.is_configured = False _CONFIG.default_processors = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_PROCESSORS[:] _CONFIG.default_wrapper_class = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_WRAPPER_CLASS _CONFIG.default_context_class = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CLASS _CONFIG.logger_factory = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_LOGGER_FACTORY _CONFIG.cache_logger_on_first_use = _BUILTIN_CACHE_LOGGER_ON_FIRST_USE
class BoundLoggerLazyProxy: """ Instantiates a bound logger on first usage. Takes both configuration and instantiation parameters into account. The only points where a bound logger changes state are ``bind()``, ``unbind()``, and ``new()`` and that return the actual ``BoundLogger``. If and only if configuration says so, that actual bound logger is cached on first usage. .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 Added support for *logger_factory_args*. """ def __init__( self, logger: WrappedLogger | None, wrapper_class: type[BindableLogger] | None = None, processors: Iterable[Processor] | None = None, context_class: type[Context] | None = None, cache_logger_on_first_use: bool | None = None, initial_values: dict[str, Any] | None = None, logger_factory_args: Any = None, ) -> None: self._logger = logger self._wrapper_class = wrapper_class self._processors = processors self._context_class = context_class self._cache_logger_on_first_use = cache_logger_on_first_use self._initial_values = initial_values or {} self._logger_factory_args = logger_factory_args or () def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<BoundLoggerLazyProxy(logger={self._logger!r}, wrapper_class=" f"{self._wrapper_class!r}, processors={self._processors!r}, " f"context_class={self._context_class!r}, " f"initial_values={self._initial_values!r}, " f"logger_factory_args={self._logger_factory_args!r})>" ) def bind(self, **new_values: Any) -> BindableLogger: """ Assemble a new BoundLogger from arguments and configuration. """ if self._context_class: ctx = self._context_class(self._initial_values) else: ctx = _CONFIG.default_context_class(self._initial_values) _logger = self._logger if not _logger: _logger = _CONFIG.logger_factory(*self._logger_factory_args) if self._processors is None: procs = _CONFIG.default_processors else: procs = self._processors cls = self._wrapper_class or _CONFIG.default_wrapper_class # Looks like Protocols ignore definitions of __init__ so we have to # silence Mypy here. logger = cls( _logger, processors=procs, context=ctx # type: ignore[call-arg] ) def finalized_bind(**new_values: Any) -> BindableLogger: """ Use cached assembled logger to bind potentially new values. """ if new_values: return logger.bind(**new_values) return logger if self._cache_logger_on_first_use is True or ( self._cache_logger_on_first_use is None and _CONFIG.cache_logger_on_first_use is True ): self.bind = finalized_bind # type: ignore[method-assign] return finalized_bind(**new_values) def unbind(self, *keys: str) -> BindableLogger: """ Same as bind, except unbind *keys* first. In our case that could be only initial values. """ return self.bind().unbind(*keys) def try_unbind(self, *keys: str) -> BindableLogger: return self.bind().try_unbind(*keys) def new(self, **new_values: Any) -> BindableLogger: """ Clear context, then bind. """ if self._context_class: self._context_class().clear() else: _CONFIG.default_context_class().clear() return self.bind(**new_values) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """ If a logging method if called on a lazy proxy, we have to create an ephemeral BoundLogger first. """ if name == "__isabstractmethod__": raise AttributeError bl = self.bind() return getattr(bl, name) def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Our __getattr__ magic makes this necessary. """ return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Our __getattr__ magic makes this necessary. """ for k, v in state.items(): setattr(self, k, v)