Source code for structlog._config

# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
# 2.0, and the MIT License.  See the LICENSE file in the root of this
# repository for complete details.

Global state department.  Don't reload this module or everything breaks.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import warnings

from structlog._compat import OrderedDict
from structlog._generic import BoundLogger
from structlog._loggers import (
from structlog.processors import (


class _Configuration(object):
    Global defaults.
    is_configured = False
    default_processors = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_PROCESSORS[:]
    default_context_class = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CLASS
    default_wrapper_class = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_WRAPPER_CLASS
    cache_logger_on_first_use = _BUILTIN_CACHE_LOGGER_ON_FIRST_USE

_CONFIG = _Configuration()
Global defaults used when arguments to :func:`wrap_logger` are omitted.

[docs]def get_logger(*args, **initial_values): """ Convenience function that returns a logger according to configuration. >>> from structlog import get_logger >>> log = get_logger(y=23) >>> log.msg('hello', x=42) y=23 x=42 event='hello' :param args: *Optional* positional arguments that are passed unmodified to the logger factory. Therefore it depends on the factory what they mean. :param initial_values: Values that are used to pre-populate your contexts. :rtype: A proxy that creates a correctly configured bound logger when necessary. See :ref:`configuration` for details. If you prefer CamelCase, there's an alias for your reading pleasure: :func:`structlog.getLogger`. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 `args` """ return wrap_logger(None, logger_factory_args=args, **initial_values)
getLogger = get_logger """ CamelCase alias for :func:`structlog.get_logger`. This function is supposed to be in every source file -- we don't want it to stick out like a sore thumb in frameworks like Twisted or Zope. """
[docs]def wrap_logger(logger, processors=None, wrapper_class=None, context_class=None, cache_logger_on_first_use=None, logger_factory_args=None, **initial_values): """ Create a new bound logger for an arbitrary *logger*. Default values for *processors*, *wrapper_class*, and *context_class* can be set using :func:`configure`. If you set an attribute here, :func:`configure` calls have *no* effect for the *respective* attribute. In other words: selective overwriting of the defaults while keeping some *is* possible. :param initial_values: Values that are used to pre-populate your contexts. :param tuple logger_factory_args: Values that are passed unmodified as ``*logger_factory_args`` to the logger factory if not `None`. :rtype: A proxy that creates a correctly configured bound logger when necessary. See :func:`configure` for the meaning of the rest of the arguments. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 `logger_factory_args` """ return BoundLoggerLazyProxy( logger, wrapper_class=wrapper_class, processors=processors, context_class=context_class, cache_logger_on_first_use=cache_logger_on_first_use, initial_values=initial_values, logger_factory_args=logger_factory_args, )
[docs]def configure(processors=None, wrapper_class=None, context_class=None, logger_factory=None, cache_logger_on_first_use=None): """ Configures the **global** defaults. They are used if :func:`wrap_logger` has been called without arguments. Also sets the global class attribute :attr:`is_configured` to `True` on first call. Can be called several times, keeping an argument at `None` leaves is unchanged from the current setting. Use :func:`reset_defaults` to undo your changes. :param list processors: List of processors. :param type wrapper_class: Class to use for wrapping loggers instead of :class:`structlog.BoundLogger`. See :doc:`standard-library`, :doc:`twisted`, and :doc:`custom-wrappers`. :param type context_class: Class to be used for internal context keeping. :param callable logger_factory: Factory to be called to create a new logger that shall be wrapped. :param bool cache_logger_on_first_use: `wrap_logger` doesn't return an actual wrapped logger but a proxy that assembles one when it's first used. If this option is set to `True`, this assembled logger is cached. See :doc:`performance`. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 `cache_logger_on_first_use` """ _CONFIG.is_configured = True if processors is not None: _CONFIG.default_processors = processors if wrapper_class: _CONFIG.default_wrapper_class = wrapper_class if context_class: _CONFIG.default_context_class = context_class if logger_factory: _CONFIG.logger_factory = logger_factory if cache_logger_on_first_use is not None: _CONFIG.cache_logger_on_first_use = cache_logger_on_first_use
[docs]def configure_once(*args, **kw): """ Configures iff structlog isn't configured yet. It does *not* matter whether is was configured using :func:`configure` or :func:`configure_once` before. Raises a RuntimeWarning if repeated configuration is attempted. """ if not _CONFIG.is_configured: configure(*args, **kw) else: warnings.warn('Repeated configuration attempted.', RuntimeWarning)
[docs]def reset_defaults(): """ Resets global default values to builtins. That means [:class:`~structlog.processors.StackInfoRenderer`, :func:`~structlog.processors.format_exc_info`, :class:`~structlog.processors.KeyValueRenderer`] for *processors*, :class:`~structlog.BoundLogger` for *wrapper_class*, ``OrderedDict`` for *context_class*, :class:`~structlog.PrintLoggerFactory` for *logger_factory*, and `False` for *cache_logger_on_first_use*. Also sets the global class attribute :attr:`is_configured` to `False`. """ _CONFIG.is_configured = False _CONFIG.default_processors = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_PROCESSORS[:] _CONFIG.default_wrapper_class = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_WRAPPER_CLASS _CONFIG.default_context_class = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CLASS _CONFIG.logger_factory = _BUILTIN_DEFAULT_LOGGER_FACTORY _CONFIG.cache_logger_on_first_use = _BUILTIN_CACHE_LOGGER_ON_FIRST_USE
class BoundLoggerLazyProxy(object): """ Instantiates a BoundLogger on first usage. Takes both configuration and instantiation parameters into account. The only points where a BoundLogger changes state are bind(), unbind(), and new() and that return the actual BoundLogger. If and only if configuration says so, that actual BoundLogger is cached on first usage. .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 Added support for `logger_factory_args`. """ def __init__(self, logger, wrapper_class=None, processors=None, context_class=None, cache_logger_on_first_use=None, initial_values=None, logger_factory_args=None): self._logger = logger self._wrapper_class = wrapper_class self._processors = processors self._context_class = context_class self._cache_logger_on_first_use = cache_logger_on_first_use self._initial_values = initial_values or {} self._logger_factory_args = logger_factory_args or () def __repr__(self): return ( '<BoundLoggerLazyProxy(logger={0._logger!r}, wrapper_class=' '{0._wrapper_class!r}, processors={0._processors!r}, ' 'context_class={0._context_class!r}, ' 'initial_values={0._initial_values!r}, ' 'logger_factory_args={0._logger_factory_args!r})>'.format(self) ) def bind(self, **new_values): """ Assemble a new BoundLogger from arguments and configuration. """ if self._context_class: ctx = self._context_class(self._initial_values) else: ctx = _CONFIG.default_context_class(self._initial_values) cls = self._wrapper_class or _CONFIG.default_wrapper_class if not self._logger: self._logger = _CONFIG.logger_factory(*self._logger_factory_args) if self._processors is None: procs = _CONFIG.default_processors else: procs = self._processors logger = cls( self._logger, processors=procs, context=ctx, ) def finalized_bind(**new_values): """ Use cached assembled logger to bind potentially new values. """ if new_values: return logger.bind(**new_values) else: return logger if ( self._cache_logger_on_first_use is True or (self._cache_logger_on_first_use is None and _CONFIG.cache_logger_on_first_use is True) ): self.bind = finalized_bind return finalized_bind(**new_values) def unbind(self, *keys): """ Same as bind, except unbind *keys* first. In our case that could be only initial values. """ return self.bind().unbind(*keys) def new(self, **new_values): """ Clear context, then bind. """ if self._context_class: self._context_class().clear() else: _CONFIG.default_context_class().clear() bl = self.bind(**new_values) return bl def __getattr__(self, name): """ If a logging method if called on a lazy proxy, we have to create an ephemeral BoundLogger first. """ bl = self.bind() return getattr(bl, name)